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Phish Report: "Thank you, for Payment confirmation for invoice 0S0HBO3RLR4YL3E"

Send Details:

Date Sent: Wed, May 22, 2024 at 12:33 PM

From: URS_Transaction_Detail 79254181 <wwat72803 at gmail dot com>

Subject: Thank you, for Payment confirmation for invoice 0S0HBO3RLR4YL3E


Hello  [name]

As we navigate the complexities of commerce, every transaction becomes
a beacon of trust.
As a measure of our commitment to this trust, your order has been
documented under the unique  Confirmation-Number - ********** [redacted], thereby
ensuring that it can't be broken by anyone.


The email has an attached file called "QXQK_RECElPT_N9S32YSL8BKH.pdf"