Send Details:
Date Sent: April 19, 2022
From: Jennifer Burns <jburns at francesperkinscenter dot org>
Good Afternoon,
FRANCES PERKINS CENTER, invites you to bid the following project:
The bid package can be downloaded at:
FRANCES PERKINS CENTER Project Bid Documents#36364
All questions regarding this project should be directed to Renee Larsen via; JenniferBurns @ francesperkinscenter dot onmicrosoft dot com.
We are requesting that your bid package include a detailed proposal showing your scope of work. Please submit your proposal no later than Thursday, April 20th, 2023 at 5:00 pm.
Please confirm your interest in bidding this project as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please let me know.
Jennifer Burns
Office Administrator
Frances Perkins Center
jburns at francesperkinscenter dot org