The Valentine Giamatti Dante Collection is made up of more than 200 illustrated editions of the Divina commedia of Dante Aligheiri, from 1481 to the present. The illustrators represented range from anonymous engravers to well-known artists such as Salvador Dali, William Blake and Sandro Botticelli. The collection also contains a number of non-illustrated translations in a variety of languages, including Arabic, Welsh, Japanese and Polish. A few additional pieces representing works inspired by the Divina commedia are also included.
This collection of books was given to the library in 1974 by Professor Valentine Giamatti of the Mount Holyoke College Italian Department. Professor Giamatti began collecting these books after World War II. His first book came to him as a wedding gift. His collection was augmented by books he was given by Clara Stillman Reed, and gifts from other book collectors.
Professor Giamatti's original lists of his collection form the basis for the guide to the collection, as shown below. (A notation set off by an asterisk indicates information about the work supplied by Professor Giamatti.)
Comento di Christophoro Landino fiorentino sopra la Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta fiorentino
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli & Baldino; commentary by Christophoro Landino
Published in Firenze by Nicholo di Lorenzo della Magna
372 numb. leaves ; 2 illus. in text ; 42 cm. (fol.)
Dated in colophon: xxx dagosto.
Professor GIamatti note: This edition, the first having the commentary of Landino is remarkable for the copper plate engravings by Baldino, supposedly after sketches of Botticelli. The 1st was printed at the bottom of the 1st pg. of canto I; the 2nd, when printed, interfered with the text to such an extent that the remaining 17 (to be found in a very few copies) were printed separately and pasted in the book at the beginning of each canto of the Inferno. It is said that this is the first book in which plates were printed in the text. Blank spaces preceding the other cantos suggest that more than 19 illustrations were originally planned.

[La comedia]
Commentary by Christoforo Landino; edited by Piero da Fighino
Published in Vinegia by Petro Cremonese ditus Veronese
[14], 11-316 numb. leaves ; 30 cm. (fol.)
Dated in colophon: xviii di nove[m]brio. Colophon: "Et Fine del comento di Christoforo Landino Fiorentino sopra la comedia di Danthe poeta excellentissimo. E impresso in Vinegia ... emendato per me maestro piero da fighino ..."
Professor Giamatti note: The illustrations in this November edition are larger and better executed than those in the March one. Made-up copy.
Copy lacking [14] p. at beginning & leaf 316.
Danthe Alegieri fiorentino
Commentary by Cristoforo Landino; edited by Piero da Fighino
Published in Venetia by Matheo di Chodecha da Parma
[10], ccxcix, [1] numb. leaves (3 plates ; 105 illus. in text) ; 30 cm (fol.)
Dated in colophon: xxix de novembre. "Finita e lopa dellinclyto & divo Da[n]the alleghieri poeta fioretino rivista & eme[n]data dilige[n]teme[n]te p[er] el revere[n]do maestro Piero da Fighino ... & ha posto molte cose i diversi luoghi che ha trovato ma[n]care si i lo texto co[m]e nella giosa".
Professor Giamatti note: Woodcuts are the same as those used in the edition of March 1491, by the same printer, in conjunction with Bernadino Benali.
Following colophon are the Credo, the Paternoster and the Ave Maria of Dante. Copy has initials handpainted in yellow, red, and light blue.

Danthe Alighieri fiorentino
Commentary by Christoforo Landino; edited by Piero da Figino
Published in Venetia (di quarengli da Palazago bergamasco) by Piero de Zuanne
[10], ccxcvii numb. leaves (1 plate ; 99 illus. in text) ; 33 cm. (fol.)
Dated in colophon: xi. octubrio. "Revista & emendata dilige[n]teme[n]te per el revere[n]do Maestro Piero da Figino ... & ha posto molte cose in diversi luoghi che ha trovato mãcare i lo texto come nella giosa".
Professor Giamatti note: The first canto of the Inferno is preceded by a full-page woodcut, the same as that in the March edition of 1491; the other cantosby vignettes from the November edition of 1491.
Danthe Alighieri fiorentino historiado
Commentary by Christoforo Landino; edited by Piero da Figino
Published in Venetia by Bartholomeo de Zanne da Portese
[10], ccxcviii numb. leaves (1 plate ; 99 illus. in text) ; 33 cm. (fol.)
Dated in colophon: xvii de zugno.
Professor Giamatti note: The first canto of the Inferno is preceded by a full-page woodcut, the same as that in the March edition of 1491; the other cantos by vignettes from the same edition except that the illustration to Par. 1 is from the November edition of 1491.
Opere del divino poeta Danthe con suoi comenti
Commentary by Christoforo Landino; edited by Piero da Figino
Published in Venetia by Miser Bernardina stagnino da Trino de Monferra
[12], 441 numb. leaves (1 plate ; 105 illus. in text) ; 22 cm. (fol.)
Dated in colophon: 24 Novembris. "Recorrecti et con ogne diligentia novamente in littera cvrsiva impresse". Following colophon are the Credo, the Paternoster and Ave Maria of Dante. T.p. in red & black w/ border & vignette (monk facing left reaching for a sunburst containing the letters IHS; 2 bishop's mitres,1 suspended, 1 on the ground). The bottom of the border is formed by a vignette of Adam, Eve & God in garden of Eden. The border is repeated for the first canto of the Inferno, except the bottom vignette shows Octaviano & Sibilia adoring the Madonna. Plate: Inf. I,28-40.

1516 (circa)
Dante col sito et forma dell'Inferno
Published in Venice by Alessandro Paganini
292 p. (3 illus. on 5 p. of plates) ; 11 cm. (sm. 8o)
Professor Giamatti note: Very rare illustrated edition, the first printed in the smallest pocket size & a typo-graphical marvel. The date is not present in the book but may be easily deduced: it belongs to the period before Paganini's move to Toscolano. In the dedication by Paganini to Giulio de' Medici the latter is styled Deacon of Santa Maria in Donico, which places it before Giulio's appointment to San Clemente in June 1517. More important, the edition of Petrarch's "De remediis" (dated 10 November 1515) is mentioned in the same preface as having just been completed; therefore this Dante may be dated early in 1516. The last three leaves contain a double-page & 3 full-page wood-cuts, all appearing here for the first time. The double-page cut is signed by the well known Venetian wood engraver I.A. (Giovan Andrea?). Copy from the collection of Baron Horace de Landau.
Opere del divino poeta Danthe con suoi comenti
Commentary by Christoforo Landino; edited by Pietro da Figino
Published in Venetia by Miser Bernadino stagnino da Trino de Monferra
[12], 440 numb. leaves (1 plate ; 97 illus. in text) ; 22 cm. (8o)
Dated in colophon: xxviii. marzo. "Recorrecti et con ogne diligentia novamente in littera cursiva impresse." In colophon: "... & ha posto molte cose in diversi luoghi che ha truovato mancare si in lo texto come nella giosa etiam noviter per altri excellenti huomini."
Professor Giamatti note: Reprint of the reprint of 1512, except that the woodcut of Adam and Eve is repeated on the first pg. of the Inferno
The left-hand border has only 1 figure instead of the 2 in the 1512 ed.; the vignette on the t.p. is smaller and different; the ground has been removed, the monk faces right and there are 3 bishop's mitres. Plate: Inf. I.
1520 (circa)
Dante col sito, et forma dell' inferno.
Published in Venice by Alessandro Paganino.
[244] leaves., 4 leaves of plates (1 fold.) ; 11 cm.
This is Paganino's pirated reprint of the 2nd Aldine edition of 1515. It was completed sometime between 1515 and 1525. Plates: cut-away view of the levels of hell; schematic diagram of the grouping of the sins, each represented as a circle; schematic diagram of the loves from the Purgatorio, each represented as a circle.
Purchase. Acquired after Professor Giamatti's death.
Comedia di Danthe Alighieri poeta divino
Commentary by Christoforo Landino
Published in Venetia by Iacob del Burgofr‹co
[12], ccxcv numb. leaves (1 plate : port.) ; 30 cm. (fol.)
Dated in colophon: xxiii di genaro. "Novame[n]te impressa : e con somma dilige[n]tia revista & emẽdata : & di nuovissime postille adornata". *The illustrations to the first canto of each cantica and the vignettes of each canto are the same as those of the March ed. of 1491. The t.p. verso has a full-page woodcut portrait of Dante; this is the first ed. to have a good representation of him.* The title is enclosed in an illustrated border, containing on the left portraits of Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Lucretius and Terence; on the right Dante, Petrarch, Pietro Aretino, Boccaccio and Unico Aretino; at the bottom the nine muses. The border also surrounds the illustration to the first canto of the Inferno except that here, instead of the moderns on the right, there are Cicero, Sallust, Livy, Valerius and Pliny. Illustrated t.p. in red & black. Copy has error in heading on leaf lxxiiii verso: "Innrfeo".

La comedia di Dante Aligieri
Commentary by Alessandro Vellutello
Published in Vinegia by Francesco Marcolini
[unpaged] (87 woodcuts) ; 24 cm. (8o)
1st ed. with Vellutello's commentary. A full-page woodcut precedes each cantica, smaller cuts each canto; some scenes are repeated. The illustrations are entirely different from those published in earlier edition's with Landino's commentary.
Professor Giamatti note: Contains expurgated lines Purg. II,64-66.
Signatures: AA4-CC5, A4-Z4, AB4-Az4, BC4-BI4.

Il Dante
Commentary by Christoforo Landino
Published in Lione by Giovan. di Tournes
539, [1] p. (t.p. port.) ; 13 cm. (12o)
"Con argomenti, & dechiaratione de molti luoghi, nouamente reuisto, & stampeato". T.p. medallion port. facing right, wearing wreath and cap. At head of canto primo: L'inferno, purgatorio, et paradiso di Dante Alighieri. Includes summary of Dante's life.
Dante, con nuove et utili ispositioni
Published in Lyone by G. Rovillio
644, [12] p. (3 plates) ; 13 cm. (8o)
"Aggiuntovi di piu una tavola di tutti i vocaboli piu degni d'osservatione, che a i luoghi loro sono dichiarati".
Professor Giamatti note: First edition printed in France with illustrations.
Medallion port., facing right, wearing wreath and cap, above poem in honor of Dante by Giov. Jac. Manson. First word of each canto has ornamented capital. Plates: Inf. I; Purg. I; Par. I.

La divina comedia di Dante
Edited by Lodovico Dolce
Published in Vinegia by Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, & fratelli
[33], 598 p. (1 port., 5 illus. in text) ; 15 cm. (12o)
"Di nuovo alla sua vera lettione ridotta con lo aiuto di molti antichissimi esemplari. Con argomenti, et allegorie per ciascun canto, & apostille nel margine." With index. First ed. in which "La divina commedia" appears on the t.p. Medallion port., facing left, with Boccaccio's sonnet below. Illustrated capitals & head pieces.

Commentary by Christoforo Landino & Alessandro Vellutello; edited by Francesco Sansovino
Published in Venetia by Giovambattista, Marchio Sessa, & fratelli
[28], 392 numb. leaves (95 illus. in text ; t.p. port.) ; 32 cm. (fol.)
T.p. port. in cartouche. Illustrated capitals. The illustrations are those of the Vellutello ed. of 1544; the text follows the Aldine ed. of 1502 with modernized orthography. In colophon, under a cartouche of a seated cat: Appresso Domenico Nicolino, per Giouambattista, Marchio Sessa, & Fratelli, M D LXIII. See also 1596 ed.
Commentary by Bernardino Daniello da Lucca
Published in Venetia by Pietro da Fino
[9], 727 p. (3 plates : plans) ; 22 cm. (4o)
"Novamente stampato & posto in luce".
Professor Giamatti note: Printed 3 years after Daniello's death; this is the only edition of this commentary published. Purg. VI, 106-117 were omitted through a printer's oversight.
Plates: hell; purgatory; heaven. Illustrated capitals
Dante con nvove et vtili ispositioni
Published in Lione by Guglielmo Rovillio
627, [12] p. (3 plates ; medallion port.) ; 12 cm. (8o)
"Aggiontoui di più vna tauola di tutti i vocaboli più degni d'osseruatione, che a i luoghi loro sono dichiarati".
Professor Giamatti note: Reprint of the Lyons ed. of 1551.
Medallion port. (p.6). Full-page plate precedes each canto; plates included in pagination
Commentary by Alessandro Vellutello
Published in Lione by Guglielmo Rouillio
627, [12] p. (3 plates ; medallion port.) ; 13 cm. (sm. 8o)
Dedication dated xxv. di Aprile 1551.
Professor Giamatti note: Reprint of the Lyons ed. of 1571, but having inferior press-work.
"Aggiontoni di pi vna tauola di tutti i vocaboli pi degni d' osseruatione, che ˆ i luoghi loro sono dichiarati." Printer's insignia: eagle on sphere with 2 snakes rampant "invirtute, et fortuna". Medallion port. (p. 6). Plates: Inf. I,31-70; Purg. I,31-51; Par. I,40+
La divina comedia di Dante
Commentary by Lodovico Dolce
Published in Vinegia by Dominica Farri
[32], 598 p. ; 14 cm. (12mo)
"La divinia" in cartouche. Reprint of the ed. of 1569, which reprinted the 1555 ed. Printer's insignia: naked soldier on rearing bull. Printer's name given in colophon as "Domenico" Farri. Includes life of Dante and a sonnet by Gio. Boccaccio. "Con la dichiaratione de' Vocoboli piu importanti, usati dal poeta". "Allegoria" at end of each canto. Unillustrated.
Commentary by Christoforo Landino & Alessandro Vellutello; edited by Francesco Sansovino.
Published in Venetia by Giouambattista, Marchio Sessa, et fratelli.
[28], 163, 4, 164-382 leaves (t.p. port) ; 32 cm. (fol.)
Reprint of the 1564 ed. Woodcut title vignette of Dante; head-pieces & initials.
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri nobile fiorentino.
Edited by the Accademico della Crusca.
Published in Firenze by Domenico Manzani; facsimile published in Firenze by Accademia Della Crusca, 2000.
[14], 511, [57] p., 1 leaf of plates : ill. ; 16 cm.
Facsimile edition. Plan of hell; illustrated initials and tailpieces; initials all contain a motto.
Commentary by Christoforo Landino & Alessandro Vellutello; edited by Francesco Sansovino
Published in Venetia by Gio. Battista & Gio. Bernardo Sessa
[28], 163, [4], 164-392 numb. leaves (2 plates : 93 illus. in text, t.p. medallion port.) ; 33 cm. (fol.)
Professor Giamatti note: Reprint of the eds. of 1564 & 1578. "Con l'espositioni ... con tavole, argomenti & allegorie; & riformato, reveduto & ridotto alla sua vera lettura". Condemned in Spanish "index expurgatorius" of 1614 on account of some 20 passages in the commentary and it was ordered that in future issues of the poem Inf. XI,8-9, XIX,106-117 and Par. IX,136-142 be omitted from the text.
Illustrated capitals. Plates counted in pagination. Plates: Inf. I,28-35; Purg. I,28-36.
Compendio della Comedia di Dante Alighieri
Edited by Giovanni Palazzi
Published in Venetia by G. Albrizzi
158 p. (86 illus. in text) ; 21 cm.
Abridged ed. Woodcuts from the Marcolini ed. of 1544; several are repeated; 3 are full page. "Per la filosofia morale".
Opere di Dante Alighieri
Edited by Cristoforo Zapata de Cisneros
Published in Venezia by A. Zatta
4 v. bd. in 5 (112 plates : 1 port.) ; 27 cm. (8o)
Complete works. Dedicated to "Elisabetta Petrowna", whose port. is frontis. to v.1. Vol. 1 includes dedicatory sonnet by C. Zapata de Cisneros.
Professor Giamatti note: At beginning of each canto is engraved plate after illus. by Chiavonio, Crivellari, Diziani, Fontebasso, Magnini, Marcaggi, Schiavoni, or Zompini. Each canto preceded by G. Gozzi's argument enclosed in an ornamental border and has at the end a brief "allegoria".
Engraved port. of left-facing head & shoulders w/ cap & laurel wreath in an oval frame within a rectangle. Includes lives of Dante by L. Bruni Aretino, G. M. Crescimbeni & G. B. Pelli.

La divina commedia
Published in Londra (Leghorn) ; si vende in Livorno presso Gio. Tom. Masi e Comp.
2 v. bd. in 1 (5 plates : 1 port.) ; 17 cm.
T.p. engraved by Pomp. Lapi. Plates: Manetti's diagram of hell; Inf. XXXIII ("Ioan. Lapi inv. et sculp. Libur 1778"); Purg. XIX,99; Par. I,46-47. Engraved medallion portrait of Dante, supported on a pedestal by a muse signed Ioan. Lapi (1777).

Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Cristoforo dell'Acqua; edited by Andrea Rubbi
Published in Venezia by Antonio Zatta e figli (Presso Sebastian Valle)
3 v. (100 illus. in text, t.p. medallion port.) ; 17 cm.
Professor Giamatti note: Vignettes at beginning of each canto are reduced copies of the engravings in the Venetian ed. of 1757-58; most are signed "C. dell' Acqua sc.", some "Daniotto sc."
Engraved medallion port. Includes Volpi's indici.

Dante's Inferno
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary; edited by Henry C. Walsh
Published in Philadelphia by H. Altemus
vi, 163 p. (26 plates : 1 port.) ; 30 cm.
Probably published in late 1880s.
Dante's Inferno
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in New York, London, Paris by Cassell & Co. (Press of William Hunter)
xxiv, 183 p. (76 plates : 1 port.) ; 31 cm.
New ed., w/ critical & explanatory notes, life of Dante & chronology. Probably published in the 1880s. Copy in blue cloth binding embossed in gold & black, edges plain.
Dante's Inferno
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in New York, London, Paris by Cassell & Co. (Press of William Hunter)
xxiv, 183 p. (76 plates : 1 port.) ; 34 cm.
New ed., w/ critical & explanatory notes, life of Dante & chronology. Probably published in the 1880s. This is a larger version of the preceding volume. Copy in brown cloth binding embossed in gold & black.
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri
Edited by G. Ferrario; notes by Luigi Portirelli
Published in Milano by Societa tipografica de' classici italiani
3 v. (4 plates : 3 plans, 1 port.) ; 22 cm.
Thick paper ed. (v.1 is 35 mm. thick). Plates: hell; purgatory; heaven; engraved medallion port. signed "G. Benaglia dis. e inc."
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri
Edited by G. Ferrario; notes by Luigi Portirelli
Published in Milano by Societa tipografica de' classici italiani
3 v. (4 plates : 3 plans, 1 port.) ; 23 cm.
Thin paper version of the above (v.1 is 25 mm. thick). Plates: hell; purgatory; heaven; engraved medallion port. signed "G. Benaglia, dis."
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri
Edited by Vincenzo Poggioli
Published in Roma by V. Poggioli
3 v. (3 plates : plans ; t.p. port.) ; 22 cm.
"Nuovamente corretta e spiegata". Life of Dante by Pier Antonio Serassi in v.1. Dedicated to "Al nobilissimo signore Alessandro dei conti verri cavaliere dell'ordine di S. Stefano papa e martire." Plates: plan of hell; Mount Purgatory; plan of heaven. Engraved t.p. medallion port. of Dante in each vol., signed "G. Patrini scu."

Compositions from the Hell, Purgatory, & Paradise of Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by H. Boyd
Published in London by Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme
110 leaves of plates ; 28 x 45 cm.
"Engraved by Thomas Piroli from the drawings in the possession of Thomas Hope, Esq. 1793." 39 plates to the Inferno, 38 to Purgatorio & 33 to Paradiso. Without text.
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Sofia Giacomelli
Published in Paris by Salmon
[1] p. (99 plates ; t.p. port.) ; 31 cm. (4o)
T.p. port. of Dante "en bienheureux". Illustrations preceded by "Table de l'explication des figures".
Professor Giamatti note: Sofia Giacomelli was the pseudonym for Madame Chomel.

The vision; or, Hell, purgatory, and paradise
Translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London & New York by Frederick Warne & Co.
xii, 434 p. ; 20 cm. (Chandos Classics)
1st printing of the full Cary trans., a portion of which had been published in 1805 & 1806. Unillustrated.
La divina commedia
Edited by P. Baldassare Lombardi
Published in Roma by Stamperia de Romanis
4 v. (4 plates : 1 port.) ; 29 cm.
Plates: plan of hell; Mount Purgatory; plan of heaven; port. of Dante (signed Raf. Sanzio, dip.). Corrected from the edition originally done 1791. See also editions of 1804-05 and 1806.
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by L. Ademollo & F. Nenci; edited by A. Renzi, [Luigi] G. Marini & G.Muzzi
Published in Firenze by Tip. all'insegna dell'Ancora
4 v. (125 plates ; t.p. port.) ; 49 cm.
Illustrations engraved by Lasinio, Maselli and others. Vol. 4 includes "Vita di Dante Alghieri" by Lionardo Aretino; "Breve tratto sopra la forma, posizione e misura dell' Inferno" by G. del Rosso; "Discorso intorno al canto IV. dell' Inferno" by G.F. Galeani Napione di Cocconato; and "Allegoria della Divina commedia" by G. Marchetti.

La divina commedia
Illustrated by Gio. Giacomo Macchiavelli; edited by Filippo de Macchiavelli
Published in Bologna by Gamberini e Parmeggiani
3 v. (101 port.) ; 32 cm.
Engraved t.p. medallion portrait after Raphael Morghen; plates designed Rome 1806-07.

Il Dante
Illustrated by Bartolomeo Pinelli
Published in Roma
145 leaves of plates ; 47 x 59 cm.
67 plates to Inferno, 43 to Purgatorio & 35 to Paradiso. Without text.
1826 (circa)
Invenzioni di Giovanni Flaxman sulla Divina commedia
Illustrated by John Flaxman & Beniamino del Vecchio
Published in [Roma]
111 leaves of plates ; 34 x 47 cm.
39 plates to the Inferno, 38 to Purgatorio and 34 to Paradiso engraved by Del Vecchio. Without text.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Gio. Giacomo Macchiavelli; edited by Filippo de Macchiavelli; commentary by Giovanni Marchetti
Published in Bologna by Tipi Gamberini e Parmeggiani
3 v. in 1 (101 plates ; t.p. port.) ; 33 cm
Engraved t.p. port. from Luca de' Signorelli's fresco in the cathedral of Orvieto. "Vita di Dante" by Paolo Costa in vol. 1.
Atlante dantesco da poter servire ad ogni edizione della Divina commedia ossia L'inferno, Il purgatorio ed Il paradiso
Illustrated by John Flaxman; edited by Gaetano Nobile
Published in Napoli by Presso G. Nobile
19 p. (120 plates) ; 23 x 29 cm.
Dedicated to Il marchese D. Francesco Saverio Delcarretto.
Lo inferno della Commedia de Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Medieval miniatures; commentary by Guiniforto delli Bargigi; intro. & notes by G. Zacheroni
Published in Marsilia by Stampatore L. Mossy
[4], xxiv, 10, 766 p. (10 plates : 2 ports.) ; 27 cm.
Lithograph reproductions of miniatures from a 15th cent. ms. in the Biblioteca comunale of Imola. Plates: Inf. I, VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII, XXIII, XXIV, XXVII, & III (woodcut).
Professor Giamatti note: Portrait of Dante presumably inserted after publication, as taken from a fresco recovered in 1840. Portrait of Beatrice from that in possession of M. Missirini.

La divina commedia
Notes by Paolo Costa
Published in Genova by Presso G. Grondona Q. Giuseppe
3 v. in 1 [xx, 316, 384, 362 p.] (1 plate) ; 14 cm.
Added engraved t.p. Firenze 1839, illustrating Inf. CXIV,63; signed F. Pieraccini, dis., A. Devegni, inc. Plate: Inf. V,156.

La divina commedia
Commentary by Din. Tommaseo
Published in Napoli by Stabilimente Letterario Tipografico dell Editore
viii, [9]-744 p. (3 plates ; t.p. illus.) ; 24 cm.
Added t.p.: prima ed. Napolitana, Napoli : 1839. Life of Dante by Giovanni Boccaccio. Has index. T.p. illus.: Inf. II,7; plates: Inf. VIII; Purg. XXVIII; Par. XV.

La divina commedia
Illustrated by Marcovich
Published in Firenze by David Passigli
561 p. (3 plates : 1 port.) ; 9 cm.
Based on the edition published in Padova in 1822. Plates: port. engraved by Lauro; Inf. V,80-81; Purg. II,29-30; Par. XXX,128. The port. has the same face as that of the Milan ed. of 1820 & the Paduan ed. of 1822 with a wreath entwined around the cap.

La divina commedia
Illustrated by D. Fabris; edited by Paulo Costa & G. Borghi
Published in Firenze by Fabris
3 v. (t.p. port., 500 illus. in text) ; 26 cm.
Copies of drawings by Flaxman, Pinelli, Ademollo, etc. "disegnate ed incise in legno da D. Fabris". Life of Dante by Melchior Missirini.

La commedia di Dante Allighieri
Illustrated by Ugo Foscolo; edited by Giuseppe Mazzini
Published in Londra by Pietro Rolandi
4 v. (5 plates : 3 ports.) ; 23 cm.
Portraits engraved by H. Robinson. Plates: purgatory; hell; tomb of Dante in Ravenna; tomb of Foscolo in Chiswick; facsim. of Foscolo's handwriting. Vol. 1 includes 2 letters by Dante. The editor signed himself "Uno Italiano".
La divina commedia di Dante Alighieri
Edited by G. Borghi
Published in Parigi by Baudry
3 v. (5 plates : 1 port.) ; 11 cm. (Bibliotheca poetica italiana ; t. 1-3)
Plates: v.1-- engraved anonymous port. of Dante (copied from the 1822 Paduan ed.); Dante's tomb, plan of hell; v.2-- Mount Purgatory; v.3-- plan of paradise.

I quattro poeti italiana, vol. 11-- Dante La divina commedia
Engraved by P. Zandomeneghi; commentary by Paolo Emiliani-Giudini
Published in Firenze by Società editrice fiorentina
p. 1-303 (3 plates) ; 27 cm. (Collezione generale dei classici italiani)
Added engraved t.p. has imprint: Firenze per David Passigli Tipografo Editore 1847. Vignette of Dante seated among 3 classical figures above quote from Inf. II: "O Muse, o alto 'ngegno, or m'aiutate". Plates: Inf. VIII,61-63; Purg. XXVIII,82-83; Par. XV,28-29. Bound with Rime di Francesco Petrarca.
The vision; or, Hell, purgatory, and paradise
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in New York by D. Appleton & Co. ; in Philadelphia by Geo. S. Appleton
587 p. (13 plates : 1 port.) ; 17 cm.
With the life of Dante, chronological view of his age, etc. From the last corrected London ed. Port. after Giotto. Steel engravings after Flaxman. Copy bound in cloth with gilt picture of Dante after Flaxman.
Translation of the Divina commedia of Dante Alighieri
Translated by Rev. E. O'Donnell
Published in London by Thomas Richardson & Son
xviii, [19]-519 p. ; 18 cm.
With a life of Dante. Unillustrated.
Dante translated into English verse
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by I. C. Wright
Published in London by Henry G. Bohn
xxiv, 460 p. (35 plates : 1 port.) ; 19 cm. (Bohn's illustrated library)
3rd ed. Steel engravings after designs by Flaxman. See also 1859 ed.

La divina commedia.
Edited by G. Bigioli.
Published in Napoli by G. Argenio.
3 v. (3 plates : 1 port.) ; 18 cm.
4th ed. Plates: port. after Raphael; Purg. XXVIII,82-83; Par. XV,28.
Ex libris Clara Stillman Reed; gift of Fay Kaynor.
Gudomliga komedi
Translated & edited by Nils Loven
Published in Lund by C. W. K. Gleerups
3 v. ; 19 cm.
Swedish trans. Unillustrated.
Le prime quattro edizioni della Divina commedia letteralmente ristampate
Edited by George G. Warren; intro. by Antony Panizzi
Published in Londra by T. e G. Boone
xxvi, 748 p. (5 plates : facsims.) ; 40 cm.
Facsimiles of pages from first four eds.: Foligno 1472, Jesi 1472, Mantua 1472 and Naples 1474
Lo inferno della Commedia di Dante Alighieri
Illustrated with anonymous Medieval illuminations; notes by Guiniforto delli Bargigi
Published in Marisilia by L. Mossy ; published in Firenze by G. Molini
xxiv, 766 p. (3 plates) ; 25 cm.
"Tratto da due manoscritti inediti del secolo decimo quinto". Lithographs signed Canquoin et Simon. Head & tail pieces. Plates: III,1-3; XI,11-12; XIII,97-100. Errata at end.
Illustrated by S. Kirkup & P. Lasinio, figlio; edited by G. G. Warren Lord Vernon & James Philip Lacaita; intro. by Luigi Passerini
Published in Londra by T. e G. Boone
3 v. (125 plates : 4 ports., 2 geneal. tables) ; 41 cm.
"Disposto in ordine grammaticale e corredati di brevi dichiarazioni."
Professor Giamatti note: Volume 2 consists chiefly of plates; many plates drawn by Kirkup and engraved by Lasinio. Includes indices. Includes essay on the arms of the Florentine Republic, its institutes and its principal families; and an essay on Dante's family.
Dante translated into English verse
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by I. C. Wright
Published in London by Henry G. Bohn
xxiv, 460 p. (35 plates : 1 port.) ; 19 cm. (Bohn's illustrated library)
4th ed. With index, publisher's advertisements & "memoir of Dante". 34 steel engravings after designs by Flaxman. See also the 1854 ed.
La divina commedia
Edited by Karl Witte
Published in Berlino by R. Decker
lxxxv, 725 p. (2 plates : 1 port., 1 plan) ; 27 cm.
"Ricorretta sopra quattro dei più autorevoli testi a penna". Plates: photograph of bust modelled after Dante's death mask; Dante's concept of the universe.

La divine comédie-- Paradis
Illustrated by various artists; engraved by Elvira Rossi; translated by Hippolyte Topin
Published in Paris by A. Allouard
2 v. bd. in 1 (6 plates : ports.) ; 23 cm.
French trans. In tercet & triple rhyme. With a chronology of Dante's life, copious notes & an annotated list of modern French, German & English translations. Copy inscribed by Virginia Topin to Madame Adele Mondolfi (Avril 1884).

Dante's Divina commedia
Translated by Mrs. C. H. Ramsay
Published in London by Tinsley Brothers
3 v. ; 17 cm.
"In the metre and triple rhyme of the original", with notes. Errata slip inserted in each volume. Unillustrated.
La divina commedia di Dante Allighieri
Illustrated by Bernardino Benali & Mattio da Parma; edited by Karl Witte
Published in Milano by G. Daelli
3 v. bd. in 1 (4 plates ; 100 illus. in text) ; 17 cm. (Bibliotheca rara ; v. xli-xliii)
1st Ital. ed. of Witte's commentary. Illus. are reproductions of the woodcuts from the March 1491 ed. With ornamented capitals and t.p.
La divina commedia
Edited by B. Sorio; commentary by Luigi Bennassuti
Published in Verona by Civelli
3 v. (23 plates) ; 24 cm.
Catholic commentary by Bennassuti, Archbp. of Cerra. Plates give synoptical views of the events, persons and places of Dante's vision, and of the levels of purgatory
Commedia di Dante Allighieri
Illustrated by Carlo Barbieri, Felice de Maurizio & Federico Faruffini; edited by Niccolo Tommaseo
Published in Milano by F. Pagnoni
3 v. (54 plates : 1 port.) ; 35 x 26 cm.
Engravings based on illus. by Carlo Barbieri, Felice de Maurizio and Federico Faruffini.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Francesco Scaramuzza & Carlo Saccani; edited by A. Saccani
Published in Parma by A. Saccani
3 v. ; 23 cm.
With philosophical and political notes interspersed with text. Photographs by Carlo Saccani. Copy lacking illus.
La divina commedia ... in 110 composizioni
Illustrated by John Flaxman
Published in Milano by Pietro e Giuseppe Vallardi
110 plates ; 19 x 24 cm.
Without text (captions only).
The vision of hell
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London by Cassell, Petter & Galpin
xxiv, 183 p. (76 plates : 1 port.) ; 39 cm.
New ed. with critical & explanatory notes, life of Dante & chronology.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by I. C. Wright
Published in London by Bell & Daldy
xxiv, 460 p. (34 plates : 1 port.) ; 18 cm. (Bohn's illustrated library)
5th ed. Steel engravings, after designs by Flaxman. With added t.p. from 1854 ed., having t.p. port.

The divine comedy
Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Published in Leipzig by B. Tauchnitz
3 v. ; 16 cm. (Collection of British authors ; vols. 901-903)
Authorized ed. First printing of Tauchnitz ed. With errata list for v. 1 in v. 2. Unillustrated.
De Komedie
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by J. C. Hacke van Mijnden
Published in Haarlem by A. C. Kruseman
3 v. (43 plates) ; 42 cm.
Bilingual Italian/Dutch ed. With two poems by J.L.L. Ten Kate. Vol. 1 (Hell) only.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; edited and with commentary by Eugenio Camerini
Published in Milano by E. Sonzogno Editore
3 v. in 1 (135 plates : 1 port.) ; 43 cm.
Professor Giamatti note: first Italian edition with Dore's illustrations.
With an index to plates at the end of each volume.
La divina commedia-- L'inferno
Translated by S. Cav. Dr. Formiggini
Published in Trieste by Julius Dase
202, [3] p. ; 22 cm.
Hebrew trans. With errata. Unillustrated.
La divina comedia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by D. Cayetano Rosell ; pref. by Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch
Published in Barcelona by Montaner y Simon
3 v. bd. in 2 (135 plates : 1 port) ; 37 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Spanish prose trans. "Segun el texto de las ediciones mas autorizadas y correctas. Completamente anotada y con un prologo biograf’co-cr’tico escrito por D. Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch." First Span. ed. with Doré's illustrations.
Goettliche Comoedie
Translated & edited by Philalethes
Published in Leipzig by B. G. Teubner
3 v. (7 plates : 3 maps, 1 port., 3 plans ; 1 illus. in text) ; 20 cm.
German trans. 3. unv. Abd. der berichtigten Ausg. von 1865-66, besorgt von J. Petzholdt. Plates: port. of Dante engraved by Weger after Giotto; map of Firenze area; street map of Firenze; map of Brescia/Verona area; map of Perugia area; plan of purgatory; plan of heaven.
The vision; or, Hell, purgatory, and paradise of Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London by G. Bell & Sons
xlvii, 543, [14] p. (1 plate : port.) ; 19 cm. (Bohn's standard library)
A new ed., corr., with the life of Dante and additional notes. Publisher's advertisements: 14 p. at end. Copy lacking pp. i-xlviii.
L'enfer de Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Pier-Angelo Fiorentino
Published in Paris by Librairie Hachette et cie.
iv, 194 p. (75 plates : 1 port.) ; 43 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Fren. prose ed.
La divine comédie
Illustrated by Yan' Dargent; translated & edited by Artaud de Montor
Published in Paris by Garnier Frères
xxiii, 592, xij p. (37 plates) ; 28 cm. (8o)
French trans. Nouv. ed. With a preface by Louis Moland. In addition to the plates, each canto has vignette at beginning & end.
Theia komodia
Translated by Georyiou E. Antoniadou
Published in Athenais by K. Antoniades
597 p. ; 18 cm
Greek trans. Unillustrated.
Divine comedy-- The inferno
Illustrated by Giotto; translated and with notes by James Romanes Sibbald
Published in Edinburgh by David Douglas
cxix, 277 p. (1 plate : front. port.) ; 23 cm.
Portrait is engraving after fresco attributed to Giotto, in Cappella del Potesta, Bargello, Firenze.
Vision of hell
Illustrated by Doré; translated by Henry Francis Cary
Published in London, Paris & Rome by Cassell & Co.
3 v. (136 plates) ; 36 cm.
New ed. With critical and explanatory notes and life of Dante. As issued in blue paper covers; copy ceases with pt. 40 (Paradise Canto III, line 66).
Zeichnungen von Sandro Botticelli zu Dante's Goettlicher Komoedie
Edited by Josef Strzygowski
Published in Berlin by G. Grote'sche.
3 portfolios (3 p. text ; 83 plates) ; 51 x 72 cm.
c1884-86. "Nach den Originalen im Vatican zu Rom ein Supplement zu dem Codex im K. Kupferstichkabinet zu Berlin." Reproduced in size of originals. See also 1921.
La divina commedia
Edited by Pietro Fraticelli
Published in Firenze by G. Barbera
723, cxxx p. (1 port.) ; 20 cm.
Nuova ed. con giunte e correzioni. Port. after fresco attributed to Giotto, in Cappella del Potesí, Bargello, Firenze. See also 1889 3-vol. ed.
La divina commedia
Edited by Giuseppe Campi
Published in Torino by Unione Tipografico-editrice Torinese
3 v. (129 plates : 2 ports.) ; 24 cm.
"Ridotta a miglior lezione con l'aiuto di ottimi manoscritti, italiani e forestieri, e soccorsa di note edite ed inedite antiche e moderne". Plates are reduced reproductions from the Florentine ed. of 1817-19, with 4 diagrams of the universe.
La Divina commedia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; edited by Eugenio Camerini
Published in Milano by E. Sonzogno
679 p. (134 plates : 1 port.) ; 24 cm.
Ed. economica. With copious notes.
Dante's Divine comedy-- The inferno
Translated by John A. Carlyle
Published in London by George Bell & Sons
432 p. (1 plate : front. port.) ; 19 cm.
5th ed. "A literal prose translation". Frontis. engraved by R. Young.
Divina commedia
Illustrated by Giotto; edited by Pietro Fratricelli
Published in Firenze by G. Barbera
3 v. (4 plates : 1 port.) ; 20 cm.
Plates: port. after fresco attributed to Giotto in Capella del Potesta, Bargello, Firenze; plan of hell; plan of purgatory; plan of heaven.
Frammento di un codice della Divina commedia scritto sulla fine della prima meta del secolo XIV che si conserva nell'Archivio Notarile di Sarzana
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; edited by Roberto Paoletti
Published in Sarzana by G. Tellarini
68 p. (7 plates : 1 port., 6 facsims.) ; 27 cm.
"Seguito da sei fotografie che ritraggono l'originale". Plates: photographs of the manuscript; port. by Doré.
Dante: illustrations and notes
Illustrated by Phoebe Anna Tarquair; translated by John Sutherland Black
Published in Edinburgh and privately printed (T. & A. Constable)
xcv, 83 p. (21 plates) ; 22 cm.
Plates included in pagination. Includes a Dante chronology, and "Dante's library-- an alphabetical catalogue of authors whom he is known to have used, or who may be presumed to have been more or less familiar to him". P. xc misnumbered cx.

Fratris Johannis de Serravalle ... translatio et comentum totius libri Dantis Aldigherii cum textu italico Fratris Bartholomaei a Colle
Translation & commentary by Giovanni de Serravalle; Ital. text edited by Bartholomew da Colle; general editing by M. da Civezza & T. Domenichelli
Published in Prati by Giachetti, Filii et soc.
xlviii, 1236 p. ; 39 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Latin ed. Nunc primum edita. The expense of bringing out this work was borne by Pope Leo XIII and in consequence it is sometimes called "Il Dante del papa". Unillustrated.
The divine comedy
Translated by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in London by Macmillan & Co.
3 v. ; 20 cm.
Prose trans. Unillustrated. Copy bound in blue cloth.
The purgatory of Dante Alighieri
Translated by Charles Lancelot Shadwell; intro. by Walter Pater
Published in London & New York by Macmillan & Co.
xxviii, 411 p. ; 21 cm.
"An experiment in literal verse translation." Unillustrated.
The divine comedy
Translated by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in Boston & New York by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (Riverside Press)
3 v. ; 20 cm.
Prose trans. Vols. 1 & 2 c1891. Unillustrated. Copy bound in leather.
Dante: illustrations to the Divine comedy executed by the Flemish artist Jo. Stradanus, 1587
Illustrated by Jan van der Straet; intro. by Guido Biagi; pref. by John Addington Symonds
Published in London by T.F. Unwin
46 p. (42 plates : 1 port.) ; 50 cm.
Ed. of 300 copies. Phototype reproductions from the original in the Laurentian Library of Florence. Port.: Van der Straet.
La divina commedia-- Inferno
Illustrated by Lord Vernon, et al.; edited by P. Gioachino Berthier
Published in Friburgo by Libreria dell'Universita
lxx, [2], 659 p. (2 plates : 1 port.) ; 34 cm.
"Con commenti secondo la scolastica". T.p. port. of Frate Tommaso. Ports. of Dante: attributed to Raphael, "da una miniatura della Laurenziana", by Giotto "nel Palazzo Pretorio"; ports. of Beatrice: by Missirini, from S. Fermo in Verona, by Van der Goes. Publication suspended with Inferno XXXIV.
Professor Giamatti note: Berthier died before he could do the purgatorio and paradise. Illustrations: Numerous views of places connected with Dante's poem, plans of medieval towns and buildings with reproductions of many frescoes, among others Michelino's painting in the cathedral of Florence, and the representation of hell by Orcagna in the church of Santa Maria Novella of Florence. Most of the photographs of Lord Vernon are reproduced in this work.
The divine comedy
Translated by Thomas William Parson; pref. by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in Boston & New York by Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
xix, 353 p. ; 20 cm.
"Memorial sketch" by Louise Imogen Guiney. Unillustrated. See also 1896.
Il Paradiso dantesco
Illustrated by Giulio Clovio; calligraphy by Matteo Contugi di Volterra; edited by Giuseppe Cozza-Luzi
Published in Roma by Tipografia Sociale
lxxxiiv p. (39 plates) ; 48 cm.
"Pubblicati sugli originali della Biblioteca Vaticana", Ms. Urbin. 365 (early 16th century). Text and captions in Ital. & Fr. See also 1965 44 cm. Ed.
The vision of Dante : a story for little children and a talk to their mothers
Illustrated by Walter Crane; adapted by Elizabeth Harrison
Published in Chicago by Chicago Kindergarten College (Riverside Press)
[20] leaves (3 plates) ; 30 cm.
2nd ed. c1892 Plates: Inf. I,31-54; Purg. II,28-45; Purg. XXXII ff.
The divine comedy
Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Published in Boston by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (Riverside Press)
viii, 760 p. ; 21 cm.
c1865 by Longfellow. With index and copious notes. Unillustrated.
The divine comedy
Translated by Thomas William Parsons
Published in Boston & New York by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (Riverside Press)
xix, 353, [1] p. ; 20 cm.
c1893. English verse trans. Translation not complete; some cantos of Purgatory are incomplete, Paradise is fragmentary. Pref. by Charles Eliot Norton; "memorial sketch" by Louise Imogen Guiney. Publisher's advertisements (1 p. at end) for various Dante translations. Unillustrated.
Une illustration de l'Enfer de Dante
Illustrated with Medieval miniatures; edited by C. Morel
Published in Paris by Librairie universitaire (H. Welter)
xiii, 139 p. (52 plates) ; 16 x 26 cm.
Phototype reproductions, with commentary, of miniatures from two 15th century ms.: Bibliothèque nationale de Paris, Fonds ital. 2017 and Bibliothèque communale d'Imola, 32. See also 1838 Lo inferno della Commedia.
Les plus anciennes traductions françaises de la Divine comédie, publiées pour la première fois d'après les manuscripts
Illustrated by Medieval miniatures; edited by C. Morel; translated by François Bergaigne
Published in Paris by Librairie universitaire (H. Welter)
2 v. in 1 [v, 623 p.] (29 plates : 4 ports.) ; 24 cm.
Illustrations from 3 ms.: Bibl. nat. de Turin, Ms. L.III.17; Bibliothèque nationale de Paris, Nouv. acq. fr. 4119 & 4530; and Biblliothèque nationale de Paris, Fonds ital. 2017; and ports. from various frescoes. Includes fragments of a translation by François Bergaigne. Preceded by a study of the various translations.
Tutte le opere di Dante Alighieri
Edited by Edward Moore
Published in Oxford by Stamperia dell' Università
viii, 490, 8 p. ; 20 cm.
Nuovamente rivedute nel testo. With an index of proper names and notable places compiled by Paget Toynbee. Includes 4 letters written by Dante, errata, and publisher's advertisements (8 p. at end). Unillustrated. Copy uncut; pages of premio bound out of order.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Andrea del Castagno, Domenico di Michelino & V. Turati; edited by Corrado Ricci
Published in Milano by U. Hoepli
lx, 743, [2] p. (30 heliotype plates : 4 ports. ; 400 illus. in text) ; 32 cm.
Ports. from frescos by Andrea del Castagno, Domenico di Michelino and an unknown artist in S. Maria in Porto. 400 "zincotipie" of places and persons mentioned in the text, prepared for publication by V. Turati. index on p. Xxiii-xlix.
Bozhestvennoi komedii-- Chistilischche
Translated by M. A. Gorbov
Published in Moskva by I. N. Kushnerev
xiv, 765 p. (4 plates : 3 col. plans) ; 27 cm.
Russian trans. Plates: plan of hell; plan of purgatory; plan of heaven; chart titled: Raspolozhenie gr'khov" i sposoby ikh" iskugleniia.
The divine comedy
Translated by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in Boston & New York by Houghton Mifflin & Co. (Riverside Press)
3 v. ; 20 cm.
Eng. prose trans. 10th ed. c1891. "The text followed in this translation is, in general, that of Witte" otherwise it follows that of Edward Moore. Has index. Unillustrated.
The divina commedia
Translated by Frederick K. H. Haselfoot
Published in London by Duckworth & Co.
xxxvii, 673 p. ; 23 cm.
2nd ed., rev., corr. & further annotated. "Translated line for line in the terza rima of the original" with notes. Errata (1 p. at end). Has index. Unillustrated.
Vita nuova
Designed by Luigi Guerrini, fiorentino
Published in Firenze by Giulio Giannini & fig.
116 p. (8 plates) ; 19 cm.
Bound in vellum with leather ties and hand-painted cover lettering. Illustrations include allegory of Divina Commedia.
The new life
Translated and illustrated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti; preface by W. M. Rossetti; intro. by FitzRoy Carrington
Published in New York by R. H. Russell
115 p. (16 plates : 1 col. port.) ; 27 cm.
Ex libris Clara Stillman Reed.
Dantes goettliche Komoedie
Illustrated by Giotto & E. Burnand; translated by Paul Pochhammer
Published in Leipzig by B. G. Teubner
l, 460 p. (1 fold. plate : plan) ; 24 cm.
"In deutschen Stanzen frei arbeitet". Illustrations by Burnand after Giotto. Frontis. port. With a life of Dante. Illus. head & tail pieces in Art Nouveau style. Plate: schemata of hell, purgatory & heaven
The divine comedy
Illustrated by various; translated by H. F. Cary; intro. by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in London & New York by Colonial Press
xiii, 423 p. (5 plates : 1 port.) ; 24 cm.
(The world's great classics. Renaissance ed.). Photogravure reproductions of: Dante by Giotto di Bondone; Calliope by Paul Baudry; death of Francesca & Paolo by Alexander Cabanel; a 12th cent. ms. page of the Pharsalia of Lucan; Dante & Beatrice by Henry Holiday. Copy is no. 186 of 1,000; uncut.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by Paul Baudry, Alexander Cabanel; translated by H. F. Cary; intro. by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in London & New York by Colonial Press (Lamb Publishing Co.)
xiii, 423 p. (2 plates) ; 24 cm.
Plates: Calliope by Baudry; death of Francesca & Paolo by Cabanel.
Dante's Inferno
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in Chicago by Thompson & Thomas
viii, [9]-162 p. (76 plates : 1 port.) ; 30 cm.
New ed.
1901 (circa)
Dante's Inferno.
Illustrated by Doré; translated by Henry Francis Cary.
Published in Chicago by Thompson & Thomas.
162 p. (74 plates : 1 port.) ; 30 cm.
New ed. This edition is essentially the same as those published by Cassell in the late 1800's.
Gift of Louisa S. Morse.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Attilio Razzolini ; engraved by A. Alessandrelli
Published in Milano by Alfieri & Lacroix
(104 col. illus. in text) ; 15 x 20 cm.
Pages unnumbered. Illus. t.p. & capitals. Includes 3 full-page illustrations. In the style of an illuminated manuscript. Bound in vellum.
Paulo and Francesca
Rhyme translation by Leigh Hunt; literal translation by Katherine Reed; commentary by Leigh Hunt after Boccaccio
Published in Chicago by Ralph Fletcher Seymour (Geo. F. McKierman & Co.)
[38] p. ; 25 cm.
Bilingual Ital/Eng ed. of canto 5 of the Inferno only. Illustrated initials and borders. Ed. of 240 copies on American hand-made paper, 10 additional copies on Japan vellum paper.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various Italian artists; edited by Vittorio Alinari
Published in Firenze by Fratelli Alinari
3 v. in 1 (t.p. medallion port.) ; 39 cm.
Copiously illustrated with photogravures and photo-engravings of work by A. Michelli, A. Zardo, F. Fabbi, V. LaBella, L. Andreotti, N. Faorzi, A. de Karolis and many others. Copy in full leather w/ metal clasp.

Dwyfol gan Dante: Annwn, Purdan, Paradwys
Illustrated by J. Kelt Edwards; translated by Daniel Rees; edited by T. Gwynn-Jones
Published in Caernarfon, Wales by Swyddfa'r "Herald"
[2], 475 p. (10 plates) ; 26 cm.
Welsh trans. With notes. Illustrated capitals. Plates: Inf. IV,94-96; IX,88-90; XXI,67-70; Purg. I,37-39; IV,109-110; XXVII,141-142; XXXI,133-135; Par. III,67-69; XXI,31-33; XXXI,1-3. Copy uncut.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by O. Amadjo; edited by G. Castelli
Published in Milano for Società Editoriale Milanese by Sesto S. Giovanni
3 v. (48 plates) ; 25 cm.
"Ampiamente tradotto in prosa per uso del popolo italiano." Lacks Inferno. Vol. 3 includes life of Dante.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by N. Sanesi; edited by Giuseppe Lisio
Published in Milano by P. Carrara
740, [4] p. (130 illus. in text) ; 25 cm. (Biblioteca illustrata)
"Ad uso del popolo" Publisher's advertisements, 4 p. at end. Some illus. are full-page; some quarter-page.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by John Flaxman, Jean Camille Corot, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pietro Sanno; translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Published in Boston & New York by Houghton Mifflin & Co.
6 v. (48 plates) ; 28 cm.
Large paper ed. 42 pl. by Flaxman; additional plates: v.1-- Dante affrighted by the three beasts by Corot; v.2-- Paolo & Francesca by Rossetti; v.3-- Death of Buonconte di Montefeltro by Sanno; v.4-- Giotto painting Dante's portrait by Rossetti; v.5-- Dante's dream by Rossetti; v.6-- Beata Beatrix by Rossetti. Copy no. 234 of 650 copies.
La divine comédie
Illustrations from 1757 Venice ed.; translated by Artaud de Montor
Published in Coulemmiers, France by Paul Brodard
510 p. (100 illus. in text) ; 19 cm.
"Edité spécialement pour les Magasins du BON MARCHE". T.p. medallion port. & frontis. port. after Raphael.
Ein Dantekranz aus hundert Blattern
Illustrated by Franz Stassen; translated by Paul Pochhammer
Published in Berlin by G. Grote'sche
272 p. ( 9 plates : plans, 100 illus. in text) ; 29 cm.
Pp. 19-87, 99-165 & 183-251 printed on 1 side only. Each canto reduced to an 8-line poem with accompanying illus.

La vita nuova = The new life
Illustrated and transcribed by A. Razzolini
Published in Firenze by Tipografia domenicana
1, 74 numb. leaves ; 22 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Eng. trans. "Secondo la lezione del Cod. strozziano VI, 143" in the Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Text printed in Gothic type with initials, miniatures, border, head & tail pieces.
La preghiera di Dante.
Illustrated by A. Razzolini; pref. by Tommaso Nediani.
Published in Firenze by Passerini.
115 p. , [4] leaves (18 plates) ; 17 cm.
Plates counted in pagination; illuminated half titles. Includes Credo, Ave Maria, I sette salmi and Le virtu cardinali (Paradiso canti XXIV-XXVI).
Gift of Fay Kaynor.
La divina commedia nell'arte del cinquecento
Illustrated by Federico Zuccari, Jan van der Straet, Bernadino Poccetti, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, Antonio Corregio, Allesandro Allori, Pierin del Vaga, Nardo di Cione, Sandro Botticelli, Luca Signorelli, Giorgio Vasari, Marchio da Sessa, Francesco Mingucci da Pesaro, Guido Reni, Francesco Salvatore Fontebasso, Filippo Marcaggi, Polidoro da Caravaggio, Lodovico Carracci, Amico Aspertini, Giulio Campi, Daniele di Volterra Ricciarelli, Jacopo Tintoretto, Jacopo da Pontormo, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Simone de Magistris, Agostino Carracci, Baccio Bandinelli, Giulio Romano, Andrea Comodi, Dosso Dossi, Leonardo da Vinci, Lodovico Cigoli, Pietro Berrettini da Cortona, Francesco Montelatici detto Cecco Bravo, G. B. Trotti, Luca Cambiaso, Giuseppe Cesari, Andrea del Sarto, Marcello Venusti, Antonio Campi, Gian Batista Cremonini, Andrea Boscoli, Bernardino Luini, Rosso Fiorentino, Giovanni Antonio Sodoma, Paolo Veronese, Remigio Cantagallina, Gregorio Pagani, Carlo Maratta, Giulio Cesare Procaccini, Marco da Faenza, Taddeo Zuccari, Angiolo Bronzino, Pellegrino Piola, Lorenzo Lotto, Matteo Ingoli, Jacopo Palma il Giovine, Paolo Farinato, Domenico Cresti da Passignano, Giacomone da Faenza, Domenico Beccafumi, Ambrogio Figino, Santi di Tito, Girolamo Muziano, Jacopo da Empoli, Scuola da Domenichino, Giambologna; edited by Corrado Ricci
Published in Milano by Fratelli Treves
xxviii, 324 p. (70 plates : 1 port. ; 288 illus. in text) ; 44 cm.
68 of the plates are brown half-tones by Federigo Zuccaro. "Magnifica edizione con l'intero Poema ... riproducenti le illustrazioni ... in gran parte inedite, tolte dal codice esistente nella Galleria degli Uffizi in Firenze. Vi sono pure illustrazioni dell' Inferno di Bernadino Poccetti, incise dal Gallot nel 1612". Port. by Raphael from the Vatican fresco. Has index to illustrations.
Divina comedia
Illustrated by Yan D'argent; translated by Barão da Villa da Barra
Published in Rio de Janeiro & Paris by H. Garnier
xvi, 597 p. (160 illus. in text) ; 25 cm.
Portuguese trans. Printed after Villa da Barra's death. T.p. medallion signed E. Deschamps. Some illus. are full-page.

San Francesco d'Assisi.
Illustrated by Giotto; designed by F. Olivotto ; translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Published in Firenze by G. Giannini e fig.
[20] p. (10 col. illus. in text) ; 25 cm.
Bilingual Eng./Ital. ed. Secondo migliaio. c1905. "Riproduzione della cromolitografia E. Berardi di Milano"; illustrated and raised initials. The illustrations are chiefly from the frescos by Giotto at San Francesco in Assisi. This is the life of Saint Francis from Paradise Canto 11.
Gift of Fay Kaynor.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by various artists; translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; edited by Charles Welsh
Published in Cambridge & New York by Chesterfield Society
4 v. (49 plates : 2 ports.) ; 22 cm.
Edition de luxe, limited to 1,000 copies for sale in America. Some plates in color.
Stories from Dante : told to the children
Illustrated by R. T. Rose; adapted by Mary Macgregor
Published in London by T.C. & E.C. Jack ; New York by E.P. Dutton & Co.
viii, [4], 116 p. (8 col. plates) ; 15 cm. (Told to the children series)
Plates: Inf. XXVI,58-75; Dante dreaming of Beatrice ascending to heaven; Inf. III, 82 ff., XVII,91-105, XXXI,130-145; Purg. II,16 ff., IX,88-93; "They stood before the very throne of God". Copy ex libris Clara Stillman Reed.
The vision of Purgatory and Paradise
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London, New York, Toronto by Cassell & Co.
xiii, 336, [4] p. (60 plates) ; 17 cm.
Pocket ed. 1st printed 1906.
La vita nova
Illustrated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti; edited by Marcus de Rubris
Published in Torino by Edizioni STEN
xlij, 113 pl. (11 plates : 1 port.) ; 22 cm.
Divina commedia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Sten Granlund
Published in Stockholm by Nordiska Forlaget
159, xvi, p. (136 illus. in text) ; 18 cm.
Abbreviated Swedish verse trans. 3 copies.
Galleria dantesca
Engraved by F. Bigioli
Published in Terni by Stab. Alterocca
27 p. of plates ; 20 x 29 cm.
"Riproduzione di 27 grandi quadri dipinti a finto arazzo dai pitturi Bigioli Filippo, Chierici Alfonso, Grandi Francesco, Guerra Achille, Paliotti Vincenzo 1861. Gli originali si trovano a Firenze, Via Romana 32 - per trattative rivolgersi al sig. torribo Gentilucci Fabriano". Without text (captions only).
La divine comédie
Illustrated by F.-M. Roganeau
Published in Paris by H. Laurens
xii, 52 p. (24 col. plates) ; 27 cm. (Les grandes oeuvres)
Abridged French verse trans. Introduction signed T.W. T.p. medallion port. of Dante.
The divine comedy
Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Published in Boston, New York by Houghton Mifflin (Riverside Press)
viii, 760 p. ; 21 cm.
c1865. With copious notes. Unillustrated.
The vision of Hell
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London, New York, Toronto by Cassell
xxxvii, 186, [4] p. (75 plates) ; 17 cm.
Pocket ed. 1st printed 1905. With life of Dante & chronology.
The divine comedy
Translated by E. M. Shaw
Published in London by Constable & Co.
xx, 384 p. ; 22 cm.
1914 (circa)
The new life.
Illustrated by Evelyn Paul; translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti; music by Alfred Mercer.
Published in New York by Brentano's (Camperfield Press).
[20] p. (10 col. plates; illus. in text) ; 25 cm.
Bilingual Eng./Ital. trans. Preraphaelite style.
Gift of Fay Kaynor.
1914-22 (taisho 3-11)
Dante Shinkyoku
Translated by Yamakawa Heizaburo
Published in Tokyo by Keihosha Shoten
3 v. (3 plates : 1 port.) ; 19 cm.
Japanese trans. Plates: v.1-- port.; v.2-- Mount Purgatory; v.3-- plan of paradise. V. 2 & 3 in original slip cases.
The divine comedy = La comedia di Dante Alighieri
Translated by Henry Johnson
Published in New Haven ; London by Yale Univ. Press ; Oxford Univ. Press
xxv, 443 p. ; 21 cm.
c1915. 2nd ptg., Jan. 1916, 1000 copies. Unillustrated.
The vision; or, Hell, purgatory and paradise
Illustrated by John Flaxman & Giotto; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London, etc. by Oxford Univ. Press
xlv, 578 p. (1 plate : port. ; 109 illus. in text) ; 19 cm.
Oxford ed. Port. by Giotto from the fresco in the Bargello, Florence. Has index.
The divine comedy
Translated by Charles Eliot Norton
Published in Boston, New York by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (Riverside Press)
3 v. ; 20 cm.
Rev. ed. c1902. Unillustrated.
Manuale dantesco per le scuole : vita e opere di Dante
Illustrated by G. Stradano, L. Ademollo, G. Doré and D. Gabrielle Rossetti; edited by Corrado Zacchetti
Published in Milano by L. Trevisini
387, 1 p. (43 plates : 5 plans) ; 19 cm.
School ed. including Vita nuova, and Divina commedia with commentary. Some plans in color; some double-page. (Copy is birthday gift to Professor Valentine Giamatti from his son Bartlett Giamatti.)
Göttliche Comödie
Illustrated by Julius H. Bissier; translated by Axel Lübbe
Published in Leipzig by Erich Matthes
543 p. (3 plates) ; 22 cm.
German verse trans. c.1919. Plates: pits of hell; Mount Purgatory; vision of paradise. Copy bound in burlap w/ medallion port. of Dante embossed on front cover.
The vision; or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise
Illustrated by John Flaxman & Giotto; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London, etc. by Oxford Univ. Press
xlv, 578 p. (1 plate : port. ; 109 illus. in text) ; 19 cm.
Port. from tracing by Seymour Kirkup of Giotto's fresco in the Bargello, Florence. Has index.
Le opere di Dante
Illustrated by Giotto & Domenico di Michelino ; edited by Società dantesca italiana: M. Barbi, E.G. Parodi, F. Pellegrini, E. Pistelli, P. Rajna, E. Rostagno, G. Vandelli
Published in Firenze by R. Bemporad & figlio
xxxi, 976 p. (3 plates : 1 port.) ; 20 cm.
With analytical index.htm by Mario Casella. Plates: Port. by Giotto; Dante, Firenze e i tre regni del poema by Domenico di Michelino; facsim. of last verse of Paradiso from ms. Laurenziano XC sup. 125 (ca. 1347).
Il canzoniere
Illustrated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti & Paulo Paschetto; edited by Marco Rossi
Published in Torino by Societa tipografico editrice nazionale
xli, 128 p. (13 plates) ; 23 cm.
"Per la 'Dantis amatorum editio' della S.T.E.N." Ornamented. Includes double color pl. titled: Dante's dream.
Le opere di Dante
Illustrated by Giotto & Domenico di Michelino; edited by M. Barbi, E. G. Parodi, F. Pellegrini, E. Pistelli, P. Rajna, E. Rostagno, G. Vandelli
Published in Firenze by R. Bemporad & figlio
xxi, 976 p. (3 plates : 1 port.) ; 18 cm.
With analytical index by Mario Casella. Edited for the Società dantesca italiana. See the 20 cm. ed. for further details.
Divina commedia
Illustrated by Franz von Bayros; edited by Carlo Toth
Published in Vienna by Amalthea
xxiii, 221 p. (59 plates) ; 27 cm.
Illustrations show Art Nouveau influence. Copy is no. 3 of de luxe ed. of 250; with interwoven arms of Firenza, Verona & Ravenna embossed in gold on vellum cover.
Il Codice trivulziano 1080 della Divina commedia
Illustrated by anon.; edited by Luigi Rocca
Published in Milano by U. Hoepli
8 p., [109] leaves in facsim. ; 38 cm.
Written in double columns; the 1st pg. of each cantica is illuminated; the introduction to each canto is in red with ornamented initial. Facsims. in heliochrome. Issued in commemoration of the 600th anniversary of Dante's death. Copy is no. 266 of 350.
Zeichnungen von Sandro Botticelli zu Dantes Goettlicher Komoedie
Illustrated by Botticelli; editing and notes by F. Lippmann
Published in Berlin by G. Grote'sche
74 p. (79 plates : 1 port. ; 24 illus. in text) ; 34 cm.
Zweite Aufl. Port. of Botticelli. Contains all of Botticelli's illus. (from the originals in the Kupferstich-Kabinett zu Berlin and the Biblioteca Vaticano).
La vita nuova
Illustrated by Vittorio Grassi; text calligraphy by Nestore Leoni
Published in Bergamo by Istituto Italiano d'Arte Grafiche
xciii p. (40 col. illus. in text) ; 37 cm.
Text after the 1907 ed. by Michele Barbi. Head and tail pieces. In woven purple & gold cloth binding. "Nel sesto centenario della morte di Dante Alighieri." Copy no. 629 of 1321 signed by the illuminators.
I disegni per la divina commedia
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; preface by I. B. Supino
Published in Bologna by Apollo
6 leaves (90 plates) ; 41 x 57 cm.
Contains all of Botticelli's illus. (from the originals in the Kupferstich-Kabinett zu Berlin and the Biblioteca Vaticano). See also 1921 Grote'sche ed.
Gift of Helene B. Black.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various artists; G. Vandelli
Published in Firenze by Alinari
263 p. (98 plates) ; 31 cm.
Illus. by Italian artists of late 19th, early 20th centuries.
La divina commedia = The divine comedy
Translated by Melville Best Anderson
Published in Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y. by World Book Co.
xiii, 449 p. (1 plate) ; 24 cm.
"A line-for-line translation in the rime-form of the original". Illustrated with coat of arms of the Gianfigliazzi family at beginning and with a fleur-de-lis at end.
Die gottliche Komoedie = La divina commedia
Translated by Konrad zu Putlitz (T.1-2), H. Federmann (T.3), both with Emmi Schweitzer
Published in Leipzig by Tempel-Verlag
3 v. ; 21 cm. (Tempel Klassiker)
Bilingual Ital./Ger. ed. Unillustrated. Have T.1 (Die Hoelle) only.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Amos Nattini
Published in Milano
(34 col. plates) ; 83 x 68 cm.
De luxe ed. of Inferno only.
Professor Giamatti note: Largest illustrated edition of the Commedia.
Pages not numbered.

Shinkyoku-- Tengoku-hen
Translated by Masaki Nakayama
Published in Tokyo by Shinsei-do
455, 133 p. ; 19 cm.
Japanese trans. Unillustrated.
Jumalainen naytelma
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Eino Leino
Published in Porvoossa by W. Söderström
3 v. bd. as 1 (78 plates) ; 22 cm.
Finnish trans. 4th ed. Based on the 11th ed., edited by Brunone Bianchi [Firenze : Successori le Monnier, 1896].
La divina commedia
Edited by Luigi Polacco & Giuseppe Vandelli
Published in Milano by U. Hoepli
xxxvi, 400 p. (t.p. port.) ; 19 cm. (Biblioteca classica Hoepliana)
Astvatsayin katakergut'iwn
Translated by Arsen Ghazaros Ghazikian
Published in Venedig [i.e., Venice] by Mkhit'areants'
3 v. ; 17 cm.
Armenian trans. Unillustrated. Have v. 1 & 3 only.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Signorelli, Raphael & with medieval miniatures; edited by Guido Biagi, Giuseppe Lando Passerini, Enrico Rostagno & Umberto Cosmo
Published in Torino by Unione tipografico-editrice torinese
3 v. (4 plates : 3 ports. ; 386 illus. in text) ; 41 cm.
"Nel secolare commento." Plates: anon. 15th cent. port. miniature from Firenze Biblioteca Riccardiana Cod. 1040; Lucas Signorelli fresco port.; Raphael fresco port.; general view of hell from 14th cent. edition (Bibliothque nat. ms. Ital. 74). T.p. medallion port. in ea. Vol.
La divine comedie
Illustrated by Yan' Dargent; translated by Artaud de Montor
Published in Paris by Garnier Freres
410 p. (37 plates : 1 port. ; 62 illus. in text) ; 29 cm.
French trans. Nouv. ed. Reprint of 1870 ed. Frontis. medallion port. Copy bound in 3/4 leather with hand-painted full-length portrait of Dante on spine.
Divina comedie
Translated by G. Cosbuc; edited by Ramiro Ortiz
Published in Bucuresti by Cartea Romaneasca
3 v. (3 plates : plans) ; 25 cm.
Romanian trans. Plans: hell; purgatory; heaven. Each canto illustrated by a woodcut copied from a 15th or 16th century edition. Copy uncut.
Illustrated by Giotto; translated by Masaki Nakayama
Published in Tokyo by Sekai Bungo Daihyosaku zen shu Kankokai
(1 plate : port.) ; 23 cm (Sekai Bungo Daihyosaku zen shu)
Japanese trans.
Illustrated by anonymous & Giotto; translated by Kenzo Otaki
Published in Tokyo by Shincho sha
280 p. (4 plates : 1 port. ; 12 illus. in text) ; 18 cm.
Japanese verse trans. Photographic plates: fresco port. of Dante by Giotto; Dante's house; Dante's mausoleum; Dante's sarcophagus.
La divina commedia; or, The divine vision of Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; Ital. edition by Mario Casella; Eng. translation by H. F. Cary
Published in London by Nonesuch Press (Westminster Press)
324 p. (42 plates) ; 32 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Eng. ed. Copy no. 631 of 1,475 copies printed on Van Gelder paper for sale in England and America.
Dante's Purgatorio
Illustrated by anonymous; translated by Albert R. Bandini
Published in San Francisco by People's Publishing Co. (Canessa Printing)
[1], 233 p. (4 plates) ; 22 cm.
"A literal and rhymed translation". Illus. by unnamed contemporary Ital. artists. Plates: Cantos II, XXII, XI, XXX.
1931 (circa)
The vision of Dante; or, Hell, purgatory, and paradise
Illustrated by various artists; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in Florence by G. Fattorusso
xxxii, 511 p. (879 illus. in text) ; 27 cm.
"Florentine edition". 450 of the drawings are from the Alinari ed. (1902 & 1922); the rest are reproductions of photographs of frescoes, mosaics, monuments, places & characters mentioned in the poem. Some illus. in color. Has indices.
La divina comedia
Illustrated by Signorelli; translated by Juan de la Pezuela
Published in Madrid by M. Auilar
1068 p. (1 plate : port.) ; 16 cm.
Spanish trans. Originally translated 1865. Includes "La vida nuevo", translated by Francisco Almela y Vives. Port. from the Capella di San Brizio in the Duomo di Orvieto.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; translated by Jefferson Butler Fletcher
Published in New York by Macmillan Co.
xxii, 471 p. ; 25 cm.
Illus. after Botticelli drawings. Ed. of 212 copies.
The inferno from La divina commedia
Illustrated by William Blake; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in New York by Cheshire House
210 p. (7 plates) ; 50 cm.
Printed by Richard W. Ellis.
Professor Giamatti note: Copper plate engravings in the exact size of the originals, and used for the 1st time in conjunction with the text. These are the only engravings which Blake executed of more than 100 drawings he made for the Divina commedia before he died.
Plates: V,137; XXII,70; XXII,135; XXV,45; XXV,82; XXXII,79. Copy no. 1159 of 1200.
1932 (circa)
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Tancredi Scarpelli; edited by M. Manfredini
Published in Firenze by G. Nerbini
460 p. (91 plates) ; 30 cm.
An inexpensive prose ed. Plates counted in pagination. Copy imperfect: some pages have words missing due to outer margins having been excessively trimmed.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Tancredi Scarpelli; edited by M. Manfredini
Published in Firenze by G. Nerbini
499 p. (31 col plates : 1 port. ; 100 illus. in text) ; 32 cm.
Prose ed.
Infernul, Paradisul, Purgatoriul
Illustrated by Mac Constantinescu; translated by Alexandru Marcu; edited by Scrisul Romanesc
Published in Craiova, Romania by Scrisul Romesc
3 v. [280, 292, 290 p.] (102 plates) ; 23 cm.
Romanian trans. Block prints. Copy uncut.
Dante's Inferno
Translated by Laurence Binyon
Published in London by Macmillan & Co.
ix, 401, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
Translated into Eng. triple rhyme. Unillustrated.
Dante's Inferno
Illustrated by John D. Batten; translated by George Musgrave; edited by Edward Adams Parker
Published in London by Oxford Univ. Press
xxx, 287 p. (44 plates) ; 20 cm.
In Spenserian stanzas. Plates counted in pagination.
Die goettliche Komoedie
Illustrated by various artists; translated by Karl Witte; intro. by Max von Boehn
Published in Berlin by Askanische Verlag
103, 575 p. (11 plates ; 162 illus. in text) ; 27 cm.
German trans. Reproductions of the woodcuts from the eds. of 1481, 1487 & 1493. Some of the illustrations in the introduction are laid in. There are 27 ports. in "Dante-Portrait und Dante-Illustration" by 27 different artists. Plates included in paginations. Dedication states that this copy was especially produced by Askanisch Verlag for the Countess Hilda Francesetti di Malgra & respectfully dedicated to her by Ulrich von Hassell, German Ambassador to the Quirinal in memory of the lecture of Jan. 28, 1934. Copy has ambassador's signature.
He theia komodia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; intro. by Costi Palama
Published in Athena by I. N. Sideris
3 v. bd. in 1 [253, 263, 251 p.] (82 illus. in text) ; 20 cm.
Greek trans.
The comedy of Dante Alighieri
Translated by Louis How
Published in New York by Harbor Press
2 v. ; 26 cm.
"American translation". Vol. 1, 2nd ptg. 1937, c1934. Paradiso not translated. Unillustrated.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Giotto, del Castagno, Raphael, Signorelli,& anonymous; edited by Dino Provenzal
Published in Milano by A. Mondadori
3 v. bd. in 1 (16 col. plates : 5 ports. ; 52 illus. in text) ; 21 cm.
Ports. by: Luca Signorelli, an anonymous artist of the 14th cent., Giotto, Andrea del Castagno and Raphael. Has bibliography. Copy bound in leather w/ raised fleur-de-lis design & leather clasps.
Dante's purgatorio
Translated by Laurence Binyon
Published in London by Macmillan & Co., Ltd.
vii, 395 p. ; 19 cm.
In triple rhyme. Unillustrated.
La divine comédie : cent compositions
Illustrated by Edy Legrand
Published in Paris by L'Union latine d'éditions
100 plates in portfolio ; 25 x 49 cm.
Printed by Daniel Jacomet. Without text.
1940 (circa)
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; commentary by Eugenio Camerini
Published in Milano by Sonzogno
1042 p. (182 plates : 1 port.) ; 12 cm.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various artists; intro. by Alfredo Galletti
Published in Bergamo by Garzanti
ix, 452 p. (117 plates : 2 ports. ; 36 illus. in text) ; 18 cm.
Plates by Signorelli, Domenico di Michelino, Zuccari, Doré, G. Jaeger, Strandano, Bonin de Boninis, etc.; 17 of the plates are in color. Other illus. range from early manuscripts to contemporary artists. The 36 text illus. are from the Nov. & March 1491 eds. See also the 1908 folio ed.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by G. B. Galizzi; edited by Societa dantesca italiana
Published in Novara by Istituto geografico de Agostini
414, [10] p. (105 col. plates) ; 36 cm.
1st ptg. of these illus. Plates included in pagination.
The Divine comedy
Illustrated by George Grosz; translated by John Carlyle & P. H. Wicksteed; intro. by C. H. Grandgent
Published in [New York] by Random House
xix, 625 p. (33 plates) ; 19 cm. (The illustrated Modern library)
First ptg. of Grosz's drawings. Incl. maps of various parts of Italy in Dante's time and geneaological tables.
The Divine comedy
Illustrated by William Blake; translated by Melville Best Anderson; intro. by Arthur Livingston
Published in New York by Heritage Press
xxii, 491, [1] p. (32 plates) ; 26 cm.
Photogravure plates. Illustrated endpapers.
The Divine comedy
Illustrated by Umberto Romano; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in Garden City, N.Y. by Doubleday & Co.
475 p. (33 col. plates) ; 25 cm.
22 plates included in pagination. Copy no. 137 in a limited ed. of 1,000 signed by the artist.
La divina commedia-- Inferno
Illustrated by Enrico Pellegrini; edited by Onorato Castellino
Published in Torino by Edizioni palatine di R. Pezzani
xix, 246 p. (12 col. plates) ; 25 cm.
Plates: I,49+; III,79-90; V,109+; IX,38-48; X,31-36; XII,55+; XV,30+; XVIII,81+; XXIII,58+; XXVI,85+; XXX,22+; XXXIII.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; edited by Onorato Castellino
Published in Torino by Edizioni palatine.
xvii, 861 p. (36 plates) ; 32 cm.
Gift of Ilario Menin.
La divina commedia
Notes by Manfredi Porena
Published in Bologna by N. Zanichelli
3 v. (21 plates : 2 maps, 19 plans) ; 21 cm.
Plates counted in pagination. Copy uncut.
Botticelli drawings for Dante's Inferno
Published in New York by Lear
[29], 19 p. (27 plates) ; 29 cm.
Captions from Longfellow's translation.
De goddelijke Komedie
Translated by P. B. Haghebaert & Rob Antonissen
Published in Antwerp by Nederlandsche Boekhandel
3 v. ; 18 cm. (Klassieke galerij ; 32-34)
Dutch trans. 2de uit. Unillustrated.
Boska komedia
Illustrated by A. Fossombrone; translated by Alina Swiderska
Published in Krakow by Wydawnictwo M. Kot
3 v. in 1 (1 plate : port.) ; 21 cm. (Biblioteka arcydziel poezji i prozy ; 10-12)
Polish trans. "Slowem wstepnym poprzedzil Ks. Dr Konstanty Michalski."
Ilahi komedi
Illustrated by Gustave Doré & anonymous; translated by Hamdi Varoglu
Published in Istanbul by Hilmi Kitabevi
xlviii, 440 p. (16 plates : 1 port.) ; 20 cm.
Turkish prose trans. 15 plates by Doré; 16th by anon. Preraphaelite painter.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various artists; text edited by Nicola Zingarelli; illus. edited by Paolo D'Ancona
Published in Bergamo by Istituto italiano d'arte grafiche
xxxii, 368 p. (173 plates ; 61 illus. in text) ; 35 cm.
Illus. range from ca. 1490 to ca. 1932. Has indices.
Shinkyoku-- Joku
Translated by Sofu Taketomo
Published in Osaka
733 p. (4 plates : plans) ; 19 cm.
Japanese trans. With notes and errata slip. Plates: plans of the levels of purgatory (2 folded).
The divine comedy : the Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Lawrence Grant White
Published in New York by Pantheon Books
xiv, 188 p. (69 plates : 1 port.) ; 29 cm.
In blank verse. Designed by Richard Ellis. 2 copies: 1 w/ red paper binding, the other w/ deep reddish brown paper.
Dante Alighieris Guddommelige komedie
Illustrated by Ebba Holm; translated by Chr. K. F. Molbech; intro. by Valdemar Vedel
Published in København by G. E. C. Gads
621, [1] p. (1 plate : port. ; 108 illus. in text) ; 25 cm.
Danish trans. 6. udg., 2 oplag. Block prints.
The divine comedy : the Carlyle-Okey-Wicksteed translation
Introduction by C. H. Grandgent
Published in New York by Modern Library
xii, 625 p. (15 plates : genealog. tables ; 22 illus. in text) ; 19 cm. (Modern library of the world's best books ; 208)
c1932. With a biblio. by Ernest H. Wilkins. Most of the illus. are maps.
The divine comedy : being the vision of Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by H. F. Cary
Published in London, New York, Toronto by Oxford Univ. Press (Geoffrey Cumberlege)
xlv, 578 p. (109 illus. in text) ; 19 cm.
This ed. 1st printed in 1910. With life of Dante and index.
Shen ch'u
Translated by Wang Wei-k'o
Published in Shanghai by Commercial Press
3 v. ; 18 cm.
Chinese trans. c1939 (v.1), c1948 (v.3). Unillustrated. Lacking v.2.
La divina commedia napoletana
Translated and adapted by F. Russo, P. Ruocco & R. Chiurazzi ; intros. by Tommaso Gaeta & Giovanni de Caro
Published in Napoli by Ed. Mario Pierro
174 p. ; 22 cm.
Neapolitan dialect. Ruocco adapted Inferno, Chiurazzi did Purgatorio and Russo did Paradiso. Unillustrated.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various artists
Published in Milano by Lucchi
583 p. (31 plates) ; 19 cm.
"La vita e le opere di Dante, la cronologia della Divina Commedia, la topografia dell'Inferno e del Purgatorio e il sistima celeste coi commenti dei migliori autori". See also 1954 ed.
1952 (sho-wa 27)
La divina commedia
Translated by Sofu Taketomo
Published in Tokyo by Kawade
512 p. (35 illus. in text) ; 19 cm. (Collezione di classici universali)
Japanese trans. Illustrations signed G.S.
1952-58 (showa 27-33)
Translated by Heizaburo Yamakawa
Published in Tokyo by Iwanami Shoten
3 v. (4 plates : plans) ; 15 cm.
Japanese trans. Plates counted in pagination.
Den guddommelige komedie
Excerpted and translated by Kristen Gundelach
Published in Oslo by J.W. Cappelens Forlag
66 p. ; 20 cm. (Cappelens klassiske skrifter)
Abbreviated Norwegian trans. Unillustrated.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Giovanni di Paolo & anonymous; edited by Cesare Garboli
Published in Torino by Giulio Einaudi
xxxi, 893 p. (27 col. plates) ; 22 cm. (I millenni ; 27. Parnaso italiano ; 2)
Plates from 15th cent. Siennese ms. done for Alphonse of Aragon and now in the British Museum. See also the 1965 bilingual Ital./Fr. Ed.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by anonymous
Published in Milano by Tipografia Editoriale Lucchi
583 p. (31 plates) ; 19 cm.
"La vita e le opere di Dante, la cronologia della Divina commedia, la topografia dell'Inferno e del Purgatorio e il sistima celeste coi commenti dei migliori autori."
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Emma Mazza; commentary by Giovanni Roatta; intro. by Silvano Gratilli
Published in Torino by SAIE
xvi, 527 p. (87 col. plates) ; 25 cm.
The figures are highly attenuated.
Divina commedia
Illustrated by Giotto, Dagnelie & Botticelli; translated by Frederica Bremer; intro. by Wilhelmina Kuenen
Published in Haarlem by H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon
3 v. (3 plates : 1 port.) ; 18 cm
Bilingual Ital./Dutch trans. Vijfde druk. Plates: port. of Dante after Giotto fresco; Mount Purgatory by M. Dagnelie; Dante & Beatrice in paradise by Botticelli.
La divine comédie
Translation & notes by Henri Longon
Published in Paris by Garnier Freres
xxv, [1], 717 p. ; 19 cm (Classiques Garnier)
French trans. Nouv. éd., rev. & amendée. Preface dated 1938. Unillustrated. Copy uncut.
The divine comedy
Translated & edited by Glen Levin Swigget
Published in Sewanee, Tenn. by University Press of the Univ. of the South
xiv, 567 p. ; 24 cm.
In terza rima. Includes 3 sonnets: the 1st by G.L. Swigget, the 2nd by Michaelangelo, the third from Vita nuova. Limited to 1,000 copies. Unillustrated.
La divina comedia. La vida nueva
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by Juan de la Pezuela; edited by Mariano Roca de Torgores, marques de Molins
Published in Madrid by Aguilar
989 p. (112 plates : 1 port.) ; 14 cm.
Spanish trans. 5a. ed. Translated in 1865. Designs after Flaxman from the Florence ed. of 1851. 111 of the plates included in pagination.
Shen ch'u
Translated by Wang Wei-k'o
Published in Beijing by Jen min wen Hsueh ch'u pan she
3 v. [210, 233, 238 p.] ; 19 cm.
Chinese trans. Vol. 1: frontis. port. after Doré.
Comedy of Dante Alighieri.
Translated by Mary Prentice Lillie.
Published in San Francisco by Grabhorn Press.
3 v. ; 28 cm.
English unrhymed hendecasyllabic verse. Unillustrated.
Ex libris Clara Stillman Reed; gift of Fay Kaynor. Inscribed by Lillie to Reed.
La divine comédie
Published in Monaco by Imprimerie Artistique de Monaco
308 p. ; 19 cm. (Selections dauphines)
French prose trans. Translator's name not given. Unillustrated. Copy uncut.
The divine comedy
Translated by Carlyle, Okey & Wicksteed; intro. by C. H. Grandgent
Published in New York by Vintage Books
xxi, 625 p. (17 illus. in text) ; 19 cm.
c1932. With a biblio. by Ernest H. Wilkins. 15 genealogical tables included in pagination.
Kumidiya Danti Alijyiri = Divina commedia
Translated by Hasan Uthman
Published in Cairo by Dar al-M'arif
3 v. ; 25 cm.
Modern Arabic prose trans. Have v. 1 only (11 plates).
Bozanstvena komedija
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; translated by Mihovil Kombol & Olinko Delorko
Published in Zagreb by Matica Hrvatska
3 v. (36 plates : 3 ports.) ; 20 cm. (Matica Hrvatska izvanredno izdanje)
Serbo-Croatian trans. Vol.1-2, 2. izd; v.3, 3. izd. Plates are cropped versions of Botticelli illus.; the same port. appears in all 3 vols.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Signorelli, Giovanni Pisano & Giotto; notes by Luigi Malagoli
Published in Milano by La Prora
3 v. (19 plates : 2 ports., 6 plans) ; 25 cm.
Has indices. Plates from frescoes at the cathedrals of Orvieto, Pisa and Padua, the Basilica di S. Francesco in Assisi and a classical statue of Niobe from the Galleria degli Uffizi.
The purgatorio of Dante Alighieri
Edited by H. Oelsner
Published in London by J. M. Dent & Sons
443 p. (10 plates : 1 port., 7 geneal. tables, 2 maps ; 6 illus. in text) ; 15 cm. (Temple classics)
Bilingual Ital./Eng. ed. First published in this ed. in 1901, reset 1933. Frontis. port. of Dante w/ Mount Purgatory in background, from painting by Domenico di Michelino in the Florence cathedral, ca. 1465. Translator's note signed T.O., editor's note signed H.O. Nine of the plates counted in pagination.
La divine comédie
Illustrated by various artists; translated & edited by Henri Longnon
Published in Paris by Garnier Frères
xxv, 717 p. (7 plates) ; 19 cm. (Classiques Garnier)
French trans. Nouv. éd., rev., amendée & illustrée. Plates: Inf. XXXI & Par. XVIII by Jan van der Straet; Inf. XIII by Doé; Purg. III & Par. XX by Botticelli; Inf. XIX from ms. Bib.nat. Fonds ital. 2017 [ca. 1440]; Par. XVI from ms. Bib.nat. Nouv. acq. fr. [ca.1520].
The paradiso of Dante Alighieri
Translated and edited by P. H. Wicksteed & H. Oelsner
Published in London by J. M. Dent & Sons
418 p. (8 plates : 3 geneal. tables, 4 maps ; 11 illus. in text) ; 15 cm. (Temple classics)
Bilingual Ital./Eng. ed. Ital. text after Witte ed. Seven of the plates counted in pagination; frontis.: Par. III,19-33 after Botticelli.
Divine poem
Translated by Clara Stillman Reed
Published in Wilbraham, Mass and privately printed (Stinehour Press)
vi, 312 p. (3 plates : plans) ; 25 cm.
"Written down freely into English". Plans: inferno, purgatory, paradise. Copy no. 9 of 300; inscribed to "Peggy & Val" [Giamatti].
The comedy of Dante Alighieri, the Florentine.
Illustrated by William Blake; translated by Dorothy L. Sayers and Barbara Reynolds.
Published in New York by Basic Books.
3 v. (45 plates : 1 port.; 10 illus in text) ; 22 cm.
The translation of Paradise was completed by Reynolds after Sayers' death. The plates include genealogies and diagrams of the levels of hell, purgatory and paradise.
The divine comedy
Translated by Jefferson Butler Fletcher
Published in New York & London by Columbia Univ. Press
xi, 471 p. ; 23 cm.
c1931. Unillustrated.
Jumalainen näytelmä = Divina commedia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Elina Vaara; edited by Tyyni Tuulio
Published in Helsinki by W. Söderström
xix, 880 p. (134 plates : 1 port.) ; 21 cm.
Finnish trans. Plates included in pagination.
Coiméide dhiaga Dante-- Ifrean
Translated by Pádraig de Brún
Published in Ath Cliath by Mac An Ghoill
iv, 299 p. ; 23 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Gaelic ed. with notes. Unillustrated.
Die goettliche Komoedie
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Ida & Walther von Wartburg
Published in Zurich by Manesse
1197 p. (48 illus. in text) ; 16 cm. (Manesse Bibliotek der Weltliteratur)
German trans.
Drawings for Dante's Inferno
Illustrated by Rico Lebrun; translation & intro. by John Ciardi; notes on drawings by Leonard Baskin
Published by Kanthos Press
[44] p. (36 plates) ; 44 cm.
Designed by Leonard Baskin. Includes index. Copy is one of 2000 including 4 original signed lithographs.
La divina commedia = La dia komedio
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli & Raphael; translation & notes by Giovanni Peterlongo; edited by Bruno Migliorini; notes on art by Piero Bargellini
Published in Milano by S.I.E.I.
lv, 709 p. (94 plates : 1 port. ; 2 illus. in text) ; 29 cm. (Serie oriente-occidente -- edizione speciale)
Bilingual Ital./Esperanto ed. Port. by Raphael. Plates counted in pagination. Errata at end. Has index.htm and name concordance.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Salvador Dali
Published in Firenze by Arti e scienze, Salani
6 portfolios (100 col. plates) ; 34 cm.
Preface by Giovanni Nencioni. Text in Italian.
Professor Giamatti note: The plates were made in Paris under the direction of Raymond Jacquet and the paper was especially made by hand by the Fratelli Magnani of Pescia. Copy specially autographed for the collector, and is a numbered copy of a limited ed. of 3044.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various Medieval illustrators; edited by Giuseppe Ungaretti
Published in Milano by Fratelli Fabbri Editori
6 v. ; 31 cm.
Issued in 104 fascicles. Copiously illustrated in color with images from Medieval manuscripts, frescoes, and mosaics.
The Inferno of Dante Alighieri
Translated by J. A. Carlyle; edited by H. Oelsner; notes by P. H. Wicksteed
Published in London by J. M. Dent & Sons
401 p. (65 plates : 1 port., 2 maps, 2 geneal. tables ; 5 illus. in text) ; 15 cm. (Temple classics)
Bilingual Ital./Eng. ed. 2nd ed. Trans. & arguments by Carlyle after 1867 rev. by Oelsner. Italian text after the Witte ed. Frontis. port. from bronze bust in Naples.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Tono Zancanaro; notes by Carlo Grabher
Published in Bari, Italy by Laterza
3 v. (34 col. plates) ; 21 cm. (Classici illustrati Laterza)
The plates for Inferno are gray and b&w, those of Purgatorio magenta and b&w, and those of Paradiso light blue and b&w.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Antony de Witt; notes by Natalino Sapegno
Published in Firenze by La Nuova Italia
405, [4] p. (24 col. plates) ; 42 cm.
Copy no. 852 of 1260.
The ante-purgatorio of Dante Alighieri.
Illustrated by Jack Zajac; translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Published in New York by Racolin Press.
71 p. (10 plates) ; 53 cm.
English translation. Full-page b&w etchings.
Divina commedia
Illustrated by Piero Mancini; notes by Gianni Floriani
Published in Treviso by Ed. Trevigiana
(14 plates : 3 plans) ; 31 x 32 cm. + 3 LP's
Floriani also did the "riduzione libro-discografia". Plates, except plans, in color; included in pagination.
XXIV tavole per L'inferno di Dante
Illustrated by R. Rauschenberg; commentary by Dore Ashton; edited by Edgardo Macorini
Published in Milano by Ed. Macorini
35 p. (34 plates) ; 43 x 44 cm.
Facs. reprod. in orig. dimensions after drawings done 1959-1960.
Professor Giamatti note: The originals are now owned by the Museum of Modern Art. Rauschenberg has used in executing them non-conventional techniques such as collage and photographic reproductions as well as traditional illustrative techniques such as tempera, watercolor, pastel & colored crayons.
Catalog to exhibition of drawings held June-Oct. 1968 at Galerie Gerald Cramer included. Copy no. 82 of 250, signed by the artist.
Dantes Gudomliga komedi
Translated by Edvard Lidforss
Published in Uppsala by Bokgillet
150 p. ; 15 cm.
Swedish trans. 1st published in 1903. Without commentary. Unillustrated.
Bozska komedie
Translated by O. F. Babler; commentary by Zdenek Kalista
Published in Praha by Statni Nakladatelstvi Krasne Literatury A Umeni
484 p. ; 21 cm.
Slovak trans. Unillustrated.
He theia komodia
Translated by N. Kazantzakis
Published in Athena by Ekdseis Elenes Kazatzake
503, 86 p ; 22 cm.
Greek trans. c1962. Has index. Unillustrated.
La divine comédie
Illustrated with medieval miniatures; translated by Louise Espinasse-Mongenet; edited by Louise Cohen & Claude Ambroise
Published in Paris by Libraires associés
xxvii p., 553 leaves, p. 557-674 (21 col. plates) ; 20 cm. (Collection galaxies ; 4)
Bilingual Ital./Fr. ed. Ital. text based on "la derniere édition" of the Societa dantesca italiana. "Edition du septieme centenaire de Dante". Illus. with miniatures from an early 15th cent. Siennese ms. done for Alphonse of Aragon now in the British Museum.
Divina commedia
Illustrated by Botticelli, Giotto & Dagnelie; translated by Frederica Bremer; intro. by Wilhelmina Kuenen
Published in Haarlem by H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Zoon
3 v. (4 plates : 1 port. ; 1 illus. in text) ; 18 cm.
Dutch trans. Zesde druk. Plates: v.1-- Giotto port. of Dante, chronology; v.2-- Mount Purgatory by M. Dagnelie; v.3-- Dante & Beatrice in heaven by Botticelli.
Isteni szinjatek
Illustrated with medieval miniatures; translated by Babits Mihály
Published in Budapest by Magyar Helikon
636 p. (100 col. illus. in text) ; 19 cm.
Hungarian trans. Babits' translation was published earlier in Budapest by Revai-Kiadas, 1913-22.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; edited by Salvatore Battaglia & Lamberto Donati; commentary on plates by Virgilio Guzzi
Published in Roma by N. Canesi
li, 289 pl. (98 plates) ; 33 x 44 cm.
Some plates in color; plates included in pagination. Copy no. 512 of 2100.
Professor Giamatti note: Especially printed to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth.
Den guddomlege komedien
Illustrated by various artists & Jostein Ovrelid; translated by Henrik Rytter & Sigmund Skard
Published in Oslo by Norske Samlaget
323 p. (11 plates : 3 plans, 8 ports.) ; 26 cm. (Bokvert fra mellomalderen ; 10)
Norwegian trans. Plans of hell, purgatory & heaven by Ovrelid on 1 folded plate. Ports. of Dante by Giotto, Andrea del Castagnea, Botticelli (Dante & Beatrice), Signorelli, Raphael, Nardo di Cione, Pietro Lombardi (bas relief) and bronze port. bust from Naples. With index.htm and notes.
Divina commedia : Codex altonensis
Illustrated by a medieval miniaturist; edited by Hans Haupt, Hans Ludwig Scheel & Bernhard Degenhart
Published in Berlin by Gebr. Mann
2 v. ; 33 cm.
Vol. 1 is color facsimile of the Codex altonensis (ca. 1470) owned by the Gymnasiums Christianeum in Hamburg-Altona; vol. 2 is commentary.
Rime per la donna pietra di Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by Francesco Arduini, Ennio Calabria, Carlo Carra, Sandro Cherchi; intro. by Gianlorenzo Mellini
Published in Verona by Le Rame
45 p. (30 illus. in text) ; 50 cm.
Linotypes. Text based on that established by Michele Barbi; edited by Gianfranco Contini. Copy is no. 23.
La divina commedia
Illustrations from medieval miniatures; text commentary and editing by Luigi Pietrobono; illus. commentary by Sergio Samek Ludovici
Published in Roma by Istituto poligrafico dello stato
3 v. (100 col. pl.) ; 44 cm.
Plates from: Bib. Apostolica Vaticano ms. Urb. lat. 365 [3rd quarter 15th cent.], Bib. naz. Marciana ms. It. cl IX 276 [16th cent.], & Brit. Library ms. Yates-Thompson 36 [mid-15th cent.]. Copy is no. 95 of 1,000.
Temi danteschi ad Orvieto
Illustrated by Luca Signorelli; notes by Pasquale Rotondi & Mario Apollonio
Published in Milano by Arti grafiche Ricordi
117, [30] p. (58 plates : 2 ports.) ; 36 cm.
"Con un saggio di Mario Apollonio 'Immagini dantesche nelle arti' ed uno studio monografico di Pasquale Rotondi su 'Gli affreschi della Capella di S. Brizio e l'arte di Luca Signorelli' ". 28 of the plates counted in pagination. Most of the plates are in color. These are the frescos in the Duomo di Orvieto.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by various artists; edited by Luigi Malagoli
Published in Milano by La Prora
3 v. (17 plates : 5 plans) ; 24 cm.
Illus. from Renaissance frescos & sculptures.
La commedia di Dante Alighieri
Illustrated by 50 contemporary Italian artists; edited by Niccolo Tommaseo
Published in Milano by A. Martello
3 v. (140 plates) ; 46 cm.
Text originally published: Milano : Francesco Pugnoni, 1865.
Professor Giamatti note: The illustrations are by 50 of Italy's greatest artists including Emilio Greco, Alberto Ziveri & Ferruccio Ferrazzi.
Illustrations done during 1950's and 1960's; some are double size. Plates executed under the direction of Annibale Belli; the paper was handmade by Cartiera Ventura. Copy no. 151 of 500.
Tan-ting shen ch'u hua chuan
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by Wu Chin-shui (v. 1) & Ho Rei-hsiung (v. 2-3)
Published in Tai-nan, Taiwan by K'ai shan shu tien
3 v. (144 plates : 13 ports.) ; 21 cm.
Chinese trans. Vol. 2 includes ports. of Dante by other artists, including 2 views of the Naples portrait bust.
The divine comedy = La divina commedia
Illustrated by Harry Bennett; translated by Louis Biancolli
Published in New York by Washington Square Press
3 v. (30 plates) ; 24 cm
In blank verse.
Novaia zhizn & Bozhestvennaia komediia
Illustrated by Gustave Doré; translated by A. Efrosa
Published in Moskva by KHoduzhestvennaia literatura
685 p. (13 plates : 1 port.) ; 20 cm. (Biblioteka vsemirnoi literatury seriia pervaia ; tom 28)
Russian trans. Includes Vita nouva.
Bozhestvennaia komediia
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; translated by Mikhail Lozinskii; edited by I. N. Golenishchev-Kutuzov
Published in Moscva by Hayka
627 p. (13 plates : 1 port.) ; 22 cm. (Literaturnye pamiatniki)
Russian trans.
Flaxman Designs for Dante-- Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.
Illustrated by John Flaxman; notes by Bill Tate.
Published in Truchas, N.M. by Tate Gallery (Rio Grande Sun Press).
83 p. (34 illus. in text) ; 29 cm.
1st ed. Pages printed on 1 side only. Reduced illustrations with captions in translation.
Gift of Fay Kaynor.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by Leonard Baskin; translated by Thomas G. Bergin
Published in New York by Grossman
3 v. [281, 291, 295 p.] (115 plates : 3 ports.) ; 34 cm.
First printing of these illus. The translation was first published 1948-1954 by Crofts; for this ed. passages that were originally summarized have been translated in full.
Illuminated manuscripts of The divine comedy
Illustrated by various artists; iconographical essay & compilation by Peter Brieger; notes by Millard Meiss & Charles S. Singleton
Published in Princeton, N.J. by Princeton Univ. Press
2 v. (2537 plates ; 131 illus. in text) ; 31 cm. (Bollingen series ; 81)
Vol. 1, text: catalogue raisonné of 54 illuminated mss. in European & American collections; v. 2, plates: 16 in color, the rest b&w, ranging from ca. 1365-ca. 1465. With indices and bibliography.
Il Dante di Guttuso
Illustrated by Renato Guttuso
Published in Milano by Arnoldo Mondadori
[233] p. (56 col. pl.) ; 33 cm.
Plates counted in pagination. Captions in Italian.
L'Inferno di Topolino
Illustrated by Walt Disney Studio artists; G. Martina
Published in Milano by A. Mondadori
43 p. of illustrated col. text ; 30 cm.
"I grandi classici di Walt Disney". A graphic novel featuring Mickey Mouse and Pluto.
La divine comedie
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; Italian text established by Marina Zorzi Kolansinski de Kojen; translated by André Pératé; edited by Giorgio Perrini
Published in Paris by J. de Bonnot
3 v. (98 plates) ; 21 cm.
Bilingual Ital./Fr. Ed.
Chan song ga
Illustrated by Giotto; translated by Ming Soun Chia
Published in Seoul by Eul-Yoo Publishing
3 v. in 1 [726 p. ] (1 plate : port.); 19 cm.
Korean trans. c1960.
The drawings by Sandro Botticelli for Dante's Divine comedy
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli; translation by John Ciardi; notes by Kenneth Clark; commentary on allegories by George Robinson
Published in New York by Harper & Row.
218 p. (96 plates : 20 illus. in text) ; 37 cm.
1st U.S. ed. Some illustrations in color. Plates counted in pagination. English text captions from John Ciardi's translation c1954-57. Illustrations at about 3/4 original size from the originals in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticano, the Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulturbesitz Kupferstichkabinett, and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin DDR Kupferstichkabinett und Sammlung der Zeichnungen.
La divina commedia : XX stampe in legno-xilogravuri
Illustrated by Gy. Szabó Béla; translated [into Romanian] by Eta Boeriu, German translations by Franz Hodjak, Hungarian translations by Vasile Igna; edited by Babits Mihály and Wilhelm G. Herz
Published in Cluj-Napoca, Romania by Dacia.
[66] p. (20 plates) ; 43 cm.
Captions and short excerpts in German, Hungarian, Italian and Romanian. Large-scale wood engravings slightly reduced from the original dimensions of 50 x 40 cm. Font designed by Horák József.
The divine comedy
Illustrated by Barry Moser; translated by Allen Mandelbaum
Published in Berkeley, Calif. by Univ. of California Press.
3 v. (102 plates : 3 ports.) ; 29 cm. (The California Dante)
Bilingual Ital./Eng. ed. Plates counted in pagination; same port. in ea. vol.
L'Inferno di Dante in napoletano
Illustrated by John Flaxman; translated by Matilde Donnarumma
Published in Napoli by Pierro Editore.
476 p. (35 plates) ; 25 cm.
Neapolitan dialect trans. Illustrations after the 1826 ed. by Flaxman, with modifications to the shading. Plates counted in pagination.
Dante's Inferno
Illustrated and translated by Tom Phillips
Published in London & New York by Thames and Hudson.
311 p. (139 col. plates : 1 port.) ; 30 cm.
In blank verse. Originally published in 1983 as a livre d'artiste. Includes iconographical notes; "[the] pictures ... attempt to provide a visual commentary to Dante's text", and are chiefly collages blending abstract images and words. The words are "a poetic gloss deriving ... from W.H. Mallock's A Human Document". Plates counted in pagination.
Dante's comedy-- Inferno
Illustrated by Benjamin Martinez; translated by Nicholas Kilmer
Published in Brookline Village, Mass. by Branden Pub. Co. with Dante Univ. of America Press.
[4], 221, [10] p. (35 plates : 1 port.) ; 21 cm.
Originally planned for 3 vols., only Inferno was published.
The divine comedy
Translated and edited by Thomas G. Bergin
Published in Arlington Heights, Ill. by H. Davison.
xvi, 112, ii p. (4 plates : 3 plans) ; 19 cm. (Crofts classics)
c1955. Verse trans., except Canto XI of Inferno in prose. Includes bibliography. Plates: plan of hell; plan of purgatory; plan of heaven; table of celestial orders and correspondences.
Bozská komédia-- Raj
Illustrated by Vincent Hloiznbik ; translation and commentary by Viliam Turicány
Published in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia by Tatran.
423 p. (34 plates ; 34 illus. in text) ; 25 cm.
Slovak trans. of Paradiso. The plates are counted in the pagination. Based on the 1955 Italian ed. by Natalino Sapegno (Firenze : Nuova Italia).
La divina commedia
Illustrated by Achille Incerti ; edited and with preface by Georgio Petrocchi
Published in Milano by Mazzotta.
238 p. (103 col. plates) ; 30 cm.
Preface in Eng. and Ital. The plates are counted in the pagination. The text follows Petrocchi's 1966-67 ed.
Paradiso : the illuminations to Dante's Divine comedy by Giovanni di Paolo
Translated by Charles Singleton ; commentary by John Pope-Hennessy
Published in New York by Random House.
[224] p. (illus.) ; 28 cm.
From British Library manuscript Yates-Thompson 36.
Boska komedia. Pieklo.
Illustrated by Stefana Mrozewskiego ; translated by Edwarda Porebowicza ; commentary by Jadwiga Galuszka.
Published in Krakow by Secesja.
145 p. (35 b&w plates) ; 35 cm.
Purchase; Barbara Kohler Ellis Fund.
The Inferno of Dante
Translated by Robert Pinsky ; illustrated by Michael Mazur ; with notes by Nicole Pinsky ; foreword by John Freccero
Published in New York by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
xxiv, 427 p. (36 illus. in text) ; 24 cm.
The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri. Vol. 1, Inferno
Edited and translated by Robert M. Durling ; introduction and notes by Ronald L. Martinez and Robert M. Durling ; illustrations by Robert Turner
Published in New York by Oxford University Press.
xviii, 654 p. (4 plates ; 8 illus. in text) ; 24 cm.
English and Italian. The plates are counted in the pagination; some of the illustrations are based on other art. Plates: map of Italy ca. 1300, map of Romagna and Tuscany ca. 1300, the celestial sphere and the zodiac, the structure of Dante's Hell. Illus.: Canto 7, Fortune and her wheel (after a drawing from Liber scivias); Canto 10, the Resurrection of the dead (after the west front's central tympanum at Amiens Cathedral); Canto 19, baptismal font from the Pisa Baptistery; Canto 21, a devil (based on an illuminated manuscript of the Commedia); Canto 25, a fist making "the fig"; Canto 30, a lute; Canto 31, the city walls of Montereggione; Canto 34, relative positions of Jerusalem, Florence, the mouth of the Ebro, Gibraltar, the Ganges, and Purgatory.
The drawings for Dante's Divine comedy
Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli ; with essays by Hein.-Th. Schulze Altcappenberg, Horst Bredekamp, Damian Dombrowski, Andreas Kablitz, Peter Keller, Giovanni Morello, Julia Schewski, Robert Fuchs, Oliver Hahn and Doris Oltrogge
Published in London by the Royal Academy of Arts.
357 p. (99 col. plates) ; 26 x 31 cm.
Issued on the occasion of an international exhibition of Botticelli's drawings (done in the last quarter of the 15th century), the reproductions are approximately half size. The illustrated essays are titled: Introduction; The Medici, Sixtus IV and Savonarola; Botticelli and the construction of the spirit; Illuminated manuscripts of the Divine comedy; Sandro Botticelli's Chart of hell; The engravings of the 1481 edition of the Divine comedy; and Finito and Non finito: drawing and painting techniques in Botticelli's Divine comedy.
Dante's gallery of rogues
Illustrated by Vincenzo R. Latella ; introductory essay by Anne Paolucci
Published in Middle Village, N.Y. by the Council on National Literatures.
119 p. (36 col. plates) ; 26 cm.
Essay in English; captions in Italian and English. The plates are counted in the pagination. Issued in conjunction with an exhibit of the original paintings held at the CNL/Anne and Henry Paolucci International Conference Center in Middle Village, N.Y. in March 2001.
Gift of publisher.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by O. Amadio; translated by Giuseppe Castelli
Published in Milano by Bietti
3 v. (illus. in text) ; 25 cm.
Ital. prose rendition. Published between 1860 and 1925. Lacking v. 3.
He theia komodia
Illustrated by G. Doré; translated by G. S. Boutsina
Published in Athens by Kentrikon bibliopoleion
592 p. (100 illus. in text) ; 23 cm.
Greek prose trans.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by G. Doré
Published in Milano by Ratelli Patuzzi
568 p. (33 plates : 1 port) ; 14 cm.
"Edizione popolare". Plates counted in pagination.
La divina commedia
Illustrated by E. Sborgi
Published in Firenze by Sborgi
61 postcards ; 9 x 14 cm.
Color postcards, probably 20th century, illustrating some of the cantos of Divina commedia. mounted in an album. 56 of the cards feature Dante seated at a writing table on the left of the picture and a scene illustrative of the particular canto on the right; the remaining 5 cards are portraits.