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Our Moodle hosting vendor will be completing some previously unanticipated database work this coming weekend. Moodle access may be limited or intermittent beginning the evening of Sunday, February 9, and lasting into the early hours of Monday, February 10. 

We expect this work will be completed prior to the start of classes on Monday morning. 

We anticipate that this outage will be relatively brief; our vendor currently anticipates an outage of 30-120 minutes. 

Because of security vulnerabilities in the College's current version of Moodle, our Moodle-hosting vendor is requiring an update to our Moodle version soon. LITS recognizes that changes to Moodle close to the start of the semester are disruptive, but this move is necessary to avoid the only other alternative: a mid-semester upgrade.

A Moodle upgrade will occur Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Moodle will be unavailable that day, then relaunch in the new version. All current Moodle course sites, along with their content, organization, and functionality will be retained, but there will be visible differences to the interface.   

Moodle 4.3 brings some changes to the navigation and visual style of Moodle, as well as an update to the Kaltura video player, but content and functionality will not be lost. Faculty do not have to wait to begin building course sites. Content added to Fall 2024 (and any other site) prior to August 20th at 4 a.m. will be retained. 

The Educational Technology team will be providing enhanced Moodle support leading up to the first week of classes. Options include appointments, live drop-in help both online and in person, and fast answers to email messages and tickets. Visit the Moodle Guide to see what Moodle 4.3 will look like, learn more about the changes, and see the support schedule

For a short time overnight and early morning of May 16th, logging into most systems (including Moodle and eduroam) was unavailable. Service is restored, though there may be a few intermittent issues through the morning.

We recommend that you attempt a system restart as a preliminary measure before reaching out to the Technology Help Desk if you are experiencing challenges.

Lyonnet-Encrypt and wired internet connections are stable.

If you have any questions, contact the Technology Help Desk at 413-538-2600 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding.  

Previously reported issues with synchronous exam delivery continue. LITS continues to work with the vendor to investigate and resolve this problem.

Sporadic issues with synchronous exam delivery. LITS is working with the vendor to resolve this problem.

Users may experience a failure to connect or slow page load times. LITS is communicating with the vendor to resolve the issue. Check back here for updates.

LITS is working on an internet-wide security vulnerability that could impact some of MHC’s on-line services. At this time some media streaming services in Moodle may be impacted.  Streaming is not impacted for on-campus users.  If you are working off campus please connect to the MHC VPN prior to opening your Moodle course.  Information for connecting the VPN are available on the LITS web site.  

Moodle will be unavailable August 11, 2021 for a scheduled system upgrade. The upgrade will begin at 7 am. We will update this page when the work is complete.

LITS reports as of Monday evening, 8/2/21, that all MHC services impacted by the electrical outage today have been restored.  Please restart your computer if you notice any inconsistencies.  We are sorry for the interruption in workflow, and appreciate your patience as our team worked to a final resolution.  

Most MHC logins are fixed, including Embark, Handshake, Library Catalog, Moodle, Pathways, Slate. There may be some remaining account login problems; we are seeing if we can pre-emptively identify and correct these. Eduroam continues to be unavailable, we recommend LyonNet-Encrypt.

We are continuing to experience issues related to the electrical problem from earlier today.   The key primary services impacted are listed below. We are working to restore them ASAP: Moodle, Drupal, Pathways, FoodPro, Embark, The Gates, Slate, PageUp, Library Catalog, and Eduroam (Wifi)

Earlier reports of issues logging into Moodle have been investigated, the issues identified and addressed.  Login access to Moodle has been restored. 
