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Behavior policy

Library, Information, and Technology Services (LITS) is committed to facilitating a responsible, pleasant and productive environment for both users and staff.

LITS staff will ask users engaging in behavior that disrupts study and effective use of the library to stop the disruptive behavior or leave the building. If the disruptive behavior persists, LITS staff will contact Public Safety and Service for assistance.

Users who feel threatened by the behavior of others should immediately report the threat to Public Safety and Service: x2304. They should report other concerns to LITS staff.

LITS does not regulate or restrict what users read or view. It resists all efforts to censor library resources. LITS does not monitor potentially controversial internet materials displayed on workstations in our public spaces. However, instances of displaying child pornography, which is illegal, will be reported to Public Safety and Service.

The following are examples of behaviors that, because they are illegal, are not permitted:

  • smoking in or within 20 feet of the building (includes all forms of e-cigarettes)
  • using illegal substances
  • damaging library property, including computers
  • stealing library materials
  • indecent exposure
  • soliciting or canvassing of any kind, unless authorized by Mount Holyoke College

Other behaviors, while not illegal, violate the communal expectation for use of LITS shared spaces, and are therefore not permitted. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • failing to leave at closing time
  • verbally abusing or harassing staff or users
  • hate speech
  • using a cell phone or other device so as to disturb others
  • loud talking in designated quiet spaces
  • bringing animals (except service animals) into public areas
  • consumption of alcohol, unless it is part of an approved College function

Please see the following related policies for more information:

Download the LITS Behavior Policy as a pdf PDF.