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Other campus systems

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Other campus systems


The planned maintenance on my.mthoyoke Self-Service, Colleague, and Informer has been completed and all functions have been restored. 

If you encounter any issues, please open a support ticket with the LITS Technology Help Desk. 

Pathways has been restored and should be working properly. Ongoing issues or concerns should be reported to the Help Desk.

LITS Help Desk is receiving reports of interruptions in Pathways. We are currently investigating. Check back here for regular updates. 

The planned maintenance for Workday has been completed and all Workday functions are back to normal.

LITS is investigating recent interruptions to RStudio access. We are actively monitoring the situation and working toward a solution. We have also put in place monitoring which should restart the server within 5 minutes if it goes down again. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

LITS has been informed that there will be a planned maintenance window for Pathways on Friday 3/8 between 8:30am and 9am. Users might encounter issues signing into the system, and the system might be down for about 10 minutes during the 30-minute window.  

LITS has completed the Colleague server upgrade. Colleague, my.mtholyoke self-service menus, Fall 2023 grades, time card/leave entry forms, and MHC account password recovery tools are available again.

Users who log directly into Colleague should note that Colleague is no longer using legacy system passwords. Your primary MHC account password that you use to log into your MHC email and other services will now work for Colleague as well.  

Please report any ongoing issues to the LITS Technology Help Desk. 

LITS is planning a server upgrade to the College’s central administrative system (Colleague) that will start at 5pm on January 4th, 2024 and extend into the workday on the 5th

During the maintenance period, Colleague and all my.mtholyoke self-service menus will be unavailable. This includes the forms for time card/leave entry and MHC account password recovery.

Additionally, though fall MHC grades will become available in my.mtholyoke on the morning of January 4th, once the upgrade work begins students will not be able to retrieve their grades until the upgrade is complete.

Informer users should be aware that Informer will be available during the upgrade period, but Informer will not be able to access Colleague data for the period that Colleague is down.

LITS anticipates that service will be restored on the afternoon of Friday, January 5th. 

Check back here for updates.

​Scheduled maintenance of Pathways is being performed by the vendor from Thursday, December 21, 2023(8:59 pm ET) to Friday, December 22, 2023 (5:59am ET). During this time, Pathways may be unavailable for use. ​Normal operations will be restored promptly upon completion of the upgrade.​

The Pathways issue reported to LITS late last week has been resolved. 

EMS has now been fully upgraded and is available to submit requests again. The website should be updated soon to reflect the new link, so please change your bookmarks accordingly. Admins of EMS will receive an email from Event Services email with instructions for installing the new desktop version of EMS onto their computers.

EMS will be unavailable Tuesday morning, October 10, 2023 due to a scheduled system upgrade. Please do not submit requests during this time. We will update this page when the upgrade is complete and the system is available.

The issue with Pathways first reported this morning is still being worked on with the vendor. 

LITS is aware of an issue with Pathways this morning. LITS staff are working with the vendor and staff in the Dean of Studies office to resolve the issue.

There was an issue briefly this morning where users experienced challenges accessing MHCDrive. The issue has been resolved and access is restored. If you encounter challenges accessing MHCDrive going forward, please report an issue here.

As planned, the AMBR file server has been turned off. Users who have mapped drives set to boot automatically when they turn their computer on may see connection errors, which is expected behavior. For support deleting a mapped drive or connecting to MHCDrive, please contact the LITS Technology Help Desk at

The LITS Technology Help Desk ticketing system is currently unavailable. Our technicians are working with the vendor to return service. In the meantime, if you need technology support please call us at 413-538-2600 or drop by in person. 

People using Adobe Creative Cloud applications may see notices about purchasing a trial or find that they've been logged out. These disruptions are due to console updates Adobe has been working on.

Logging out of Adobe Creative Cloud and then logging back in can resolve many of these challenges. If issues persist, please reach out to the Technology Help Desk.

According to Adobe the License Expiration Notice should no longer pop up.  While the expiration notice is annoying and inaccurate, the notice states "you can still use this application".  We are sorry for this inconvenience. 

You may see a notice in an Adobe Creative Cloud application that reads “Your license has expired. But you can still use this application for [x] days.” 

The vendor notified us today that our users may erroneously see this notification and they are working on a solution.

For now, you can choose “OK” and log back in as you would normally with your MHC email and credentials.

We will post updates here.

LITS has been investigating faculty reports of missing applications or inconsistent user experiences on some classroom podium computers.  Impacted systems appear to be iMacs running an updated version of the Mac operating system. We believe this may be the result of setup processes being interrupted, leaving the computer in an incomplete state.  Our staff are currently working to apply a fix.  We appreciate the patience and understanding of impacted faculty.  

This issue should be fixed by Thursday, 9/15/2022.  Please report any further issues to the LITS Help Desk


On Saturday 7/16 from 6-10am, LITS will be conducting a planned power outage in the Kendade Machine Room. We do not anticipate that people will experience any impact during the outage, but our networking team will be monitoring and able to address any unanticipated impacts.

If you have questions about how this may affect you, please contact before Saturday.

LITS is working on an internet-wide security vulnerability that could impact some of MHC’s on-line services. At this time, Dining menus cannot be viewed from off-campus. Menus are available from on-campus or via MHC VPN.  

LITS is working on an internet-wide security vulnerability that could impact some of MHC’s on-line services. At this time OnBase Document Management is only available from on-campus or via MHC VPN.  

Student access to EMS has been restored, and the system should now be working properly for students, faculty, and staff. Ongoing issues or concerns should be reported to the LITS Technology Help Desk.

EMS has been restored and should be working properly for faculty and staff. At this time student access is still turned off. Ongoing issues or concerns should be reported to the LITS Technology Help Desk.

EMS is scheduled for maintenance Monday, August 9, 2021, and will be back online Wednesday, August 11, 2012. Please do not submit requests during this time.

LITS reports as of Monday evening, 8/2/21, that all MHC services impacted by the electrical outage today have been restored.  Please restart your computer if you notice any inconsistencies.  We are sorry for the interruption in workflow, and appreciate your patience as our team worked to a final resolution.  

Most MHC logins are fixed, including Embark, Handshake, Library Catalog, Moodle, Pathways, Slate. There may be some remaining account login problems; we are seeing if we can pre-emptively identify and correct these. Eduroam continues to be unavailable, we recommend LyonNet-Encrypt.

We are continuing to experience issues related to the electrical problem from earlier today.   The key primary services impacted are listed below. We are working to restore them ASAP: Moodle, Drupal, Pathways, FoodPro, Embark, The Gates, Slate, PageUp, Library Catalog, and Eduroam (Wifi)

EMS has been restored and should be working properly. Ongoing issues or concerns should be reported to the Help Desk.


EMS will undergo scheduled service maintenance on Friday, March 26, 2021 and will be unavailable between 1:30am-3:30am. Please do not submit reservations or requests during that time. Check back here for updates.

EMS WebApp will undergo scheduled service maintenance on Friday, February 26, 2021, and will be unavailable between 1:30 am-3:30 am. Please do not submit reservations or requests during that time. Check back here for updates.

