Discovery & Access
Discovery & Access (DnA) helps our users connect to the many information resources available to them. We provide assistance in person at the LITS Circulation Desk and manage workflows and online discovery systems for materials such as books, e-books, articles, databases and archival and digital collections (to name a few!).

Access Services provides in person assistance at the Circulation Desk and connects users with resources from the physical collections. Core services include the acquisition, cataloging and circulation of library materials; print, electronic and video course reserve processing; development and implementation of loan policy and procedures; and management of the physical collection through shelving and stack maintenance. Access Services staff are located on the 2nd floor of Williston Library at the Circulation Desk.

AnnMarie Gray

Karen Mehl

Ajay Menon

Discovery Services manages LITS systems that enable the discoverability of the library’s purchased and licensed materials and works to ensure that users have access to electronic resources across systems and platforms. Manages ongoing orders and subscriptions and provides users access to print, electronic and audiovisual resources from around the world through services such as interlibrary loan and document delivery. Provides scanning services for articles and book chapters held in the library’s print collections. Discovery Services staff are located on the 4th floor of Williston Library.

Sara Colglazier

Nancy Pelis